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Position:Home>Philosophy> Can choice be the major key to life ?

Question: Can choice be the major key to life !?
I thing choice is what made us humans to live here on earth !?

In life everything happens through choice!.!.!.!.!.choice affects the way we live!.!.!.!. where we are and everything else!.!.!.
So it seems to me that choice plays the most important part in a humans lifespan!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
yes it certainly canWww@QuestionHome@Com

I disagree!. Choice is extremely important to our quality of life, but so many major things happen that we have absolutely no choice or control over!. So many important factors of our lives are almost random freak occurrences!. I think our ability to adapt to situations where we have no choice or control is the major key of our lives!. Humans rule the world because we change with it!.

The dinosaur extinction is a good example!. There isn't much choice when a comet falls out of the sky and kills everything!. Those poor people in China didn't have any choice about that horrible earthquake!. Not much choice for an athlete in the peak of health who has a heart attack because of a congenital disease that was unknown!. No choice about your family genetics!. There isn't choice in a private meeting where, unknown to you, person puts in a good word for you and you get a promotion!. Of course there is a classic example of falling in love against your better judgment!.

Major key for humans is how we react to these things!. How do we handle changes!? Human’s greatest trait is that we can adapt to new situations, new circumstances and new environments!. Excluding a death, humans in those uncontrollable situations are able to say, “ok!. Now what!?” Even if we don’t want to do it, adaptation is like breathing – it is very hard to stop doing it!. We adapt to new situations everyday, sometimes by choice, sometimes by necessity!. Sometimes there aren’t any choices to make, and we adapt to that too!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I absolutely agree!. But choice is, in addition to being a major key to life, also the defining characteristic of what it means to be a human being!. Not enough space here to explain, but here's something that might help:

Self-consciousness emerges where the center of functional activity-- begins!. This experience comes with a price!. As individuals, we are condemned to be free!. In the words of Sartre, we must perpetually “confront the world and self as a lack,” and, because of this, we cannot escape responsibility for our choices!. Irregardless of how we choose to act, we must take responsibility for our choice!. For Sartre, responsibility lies in the chosen act and therefore can never be separated from the person who chooses!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Of course, choice is fundamental!.!.!.

A brilliant procrastinator capable of so much, but is too lazy to even attempt to fulfill his potential!.!. he will find he has wasted so many years of his life, and ruined so many opportunities to do good things!.

A not-so-smart person with excellent work ethic, someone who really strives to do something and make something of themself, can and will exceed the brilliant procrastinator!.

If this is a fate vs!. freewill type question, I think fate is B!.S!. We are what we make ourselves!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

"There is no such thing as fate, only choices and their consequences!."- I believe I heard something similar to this in the movie The Number 23 (very nice movie by the way)!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes cause the choices that we made is the foundation of our future!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It can be if you choose to let it be ?
