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Position:Home>Philosophy> What is "first love"?

Question: What is "first love"!?
whats ur perspective on first love!.!.!.!. break it down for me in simplest terms!. just curious!.!.!. thank you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
the bond of relationship that happens within a few seconds when the eye meet the eye; and, which last foreverWww@QuestionHome@Com

first love


i think its the first person that makes you realise
that there exists another, other than the self

the first person who makes you realise that
when your sad, not everybody is sad
when your happy, not everybody is happy

your first love is the first person that enables you to realise that your not the centre of this beautiful universe!.
first love is the person your willing to give up alittle of yourself for them!? even!?

gah i dunno hahaWww@QuestionHome@Com

i dont think of it as the literal first person you felt you loved
cos i certainly dont remember who that would be

but more the one that you felt was the strongest, most important, changed you or affected you in some way

and i have a few of them
usually unrequited ;-(

my first true love, in a relationship, is my boyf

i never knew love until i had him
i now know it inside out

and i know what true love is, not just the unrequited version, but real reciprocated, understanding, all in love

your welcome
hope i made some sense;-)Www@QuestionHome@Com

first love means the first person whom you had shown your love and care even your attention and time!.!. except your parents, brothers or even your relatives!.!. for example of a first love is your crush or your first boyfriend!.

first love is where you dedicated your works to someone!.!. and that someone is very special to you!.=)Www@QuestionHome@Com

A "first love" is the person who you fall in love with, romantically, and care for very much [first]!. Many people claim that their first love was their high school sweetheart (their 1st serious and longest BF or GF from high school)!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I believe the cliche began in the 50's with a song by!.!.!.perhaps Roy Orbison!. Young Love!.!.!.First Love!.!.!.
But I believe he was singing about ones first experience with romance!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

first love is the first person you ever loved!.
if you have gone out with him or just talked to him if you love him then he is your First LoveWww@QuestionHome@Com

Simply someone you love first!. Except for maybe your Daddy, Mommy and yourself!.Www@QuestionHome@Com