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Position:Home>Philosophy> What is the differnce between youself , and your spirit !?

Question: What is the differnce between youself , and your spirit !!?
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If by spirit you are referring to your soul- then I think I can help!. The Arabic words 'rooh' and 'nafs' may be both translated as "soul" and to some extent are interchangeable!.

"The soul which is controlling the body and which leaves it at the time of death is the rooh(soul) which was breathed into it!. It is the nafs(soul) which departs at the time of death!."(Ibn Taymiyah)!.

This created entity, the existence of which means life and the loss of which means death, is called both the rooh and the nafs (soul)!. Note, this doesn't mean that those two words can't apply to other things!.

Because the soul is created from a substance that has no comparison in the existing physical universe, we cannot come to know its qualities!. Allah has told us that it ascends and descends, hears, sees and speaks, etc!., but these characteristics differ from the physical characteristics which are known!. So the way it ascends and descends etc!. are different from the things we know and understand!.

The Prophet Muhammad(SAWS) has told us that when a person dies the soul will be taken up to the highest heavens and then returned to the grave in an instant, awaiting judgement!.

So, to try and answer your q!.!.!.the soul is created and independent from your body-but it does not cease to exist!. The only time that it will taste death is when it's human body dies and it becomes separated from it- a separation death so to speak!. But, it does not cease to exist altogether!. We humans die- but our souls are eternal, and I guess that's the biggest difference, apart from the others I mentioned above!.

And Allah knows best!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

What we call our usual selves is the body and mind!. The mind creates an image for us and we identify that as being the self!. At a certain point our reactions become habitual and this further reinforces the image we have of ourselves which is for the most part imaginary!.

The 'senses' of the spirit is awareness, awareness without words, without any add-ons, simply aware, not only of what is happening around us but also an objective awareness of our own body and mind!. This awareness once turn towards ourselves makes us act differently, in that case the spirit is acting upon the body and mind!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I am a worldly lustful being,

But my spirit contradicts my urges!.
It denounces my material needs and makes me more aware of the existing truth!.
It makes me see or feel a clearer vision of higher realms within this physical world that we evolve!.
I have feelings of intuitions that goes beyond logical matters!. That I may be aware of, it could have been my spiritual influence!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I would say that myself is my carnal self!. the part of me that is unaware of the spiritual!. For example, sometimes we go somewhere but get a feeling we shouldn't be there so we leave!. I think it's the spirit informing the self that one should not be there!. The spirit is the part of us the is exactly that, spirit!. The spirit knows divine law, it's where our inate information comes from!. It's the reason we have a conscience, because our spirit knows spiritual law!. The self is the less informed part of us that runs the show on the surface!. The more aware listen to the spirit before they make decisions!. the more aware have less regret!. Well that's my point of view, good luckWww@QuestionHome@Com

I am myself because of the spirit that is my living body, and my mind's state of being!.

without a spirit, nothing lives!. when death takes over, your spirit leaves your body searching for another existence!. whether it finds it or not depends on the way you lived your life!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

our bodies are our mortal forms and shows physical differences between us but our spirits are immortal and the spirits in every human beng are the same!. and are the properties of Allah!.Body is like a motor and spirit is like its AC supplyWww@QuestionHome@Com

Because they is still no evidence of a spirit, it remains in the belief stage and you'll have as many beliefs as you have people!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

spirit(alcohol)!!! i take spirit to to show myself n my spiritWww@QuestionHome@Com

My spirit sees clearly what I am, but I understand nothing about my spiritWww@QuestionHome@Com

my spirit can never be destroyed while yes myself can be destroyedWww@QuestionHome@Com

My spirit is that of Peter Pan!. Myself, I am ever so much more than 20!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don't have a spirit, I am just myself!Www@QuestionHome@Com

u cant see ur spirit can u dumbshit!?Www@QuestionHome@Com