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Position:Home>Philosophy> Zombie hordes once more....?

Question: Zombie hordes once more!.!.!.!.!?
You are against countless zombies and you decide to have one last great stand!. Answer the following;
1!. The weapon you would use
2!. The location
3!. The music on your IPod for the duration of the killing(!?) spree!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
1!. Something involving a LOT of fire or a laser that you can point at their head so they blow up instantly!.

2!. in a world filled with chocolate and lollies

3!. "It's the end of the world as we know it" :PWww@QuestionHome@Com

1!. I'd like to believe I'd be good with a sword, but if it was a decent one with too much weight I wouldn't reeeally be able to use it!. Lack of muscle mass, hooray!. But then again I doubt I'd have a massive broadsword anyway!.
A long thin sort of sword, like a katana perhaps!.
If we're including like, anything, I would love to just have a sword that was like, constantly on fire!. As in, the zombies would be both hacked to bits AND catch on fire from proximity to the blade!.

2!. Either on some sort of hill in a wide field (lots of space, high ground, but also depressingly surrounded by zombies), or the top of some sort of carpark building would also be pretty epic!.

3!. Hey, it'd be great to say something epic, but this is me we're talking about!. I wouldn't be surprised if I started with "Flight of the Valkyries" and ended with something by the Spice Girls!. I think if I was dying, I'd want my last song to be Viva Forever!. During like, the final moments montage!. That would be cool!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

1!. Hummer
2!. Wherever them zombies are
3!. The Sweet Escape, by Gwen Stefani feat!. Akon (I really hate that song and it will piss me off aiding me in my zombie killing!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

1!. A really REALLY big Nuke!.

(assuming I am the last person left, if not!.!.!. then a really big tank)

2!.Middle of a desert!. Antarctica, Nevada, Sahara etc!.

3!.Bye Bye Baby by The Bay City Rollers!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

1- air compression gun (cattle-killer)
2- In a world unsuitable for old men
3- that one that goes "dada!.!.!.!.dada dada!.!.!.!.!. dada dada!.!.!.!. da da da da da!.!.!.!. dada dada!." (come on, you know the one, with the violin)Www@QuestionHome@Com

1!. baseball bat
2!. the mall parking lot
3!. sesame street songWww@QuestionHome@Com

Electric eggbeater
Top of Ayers rock
"Wish you were here" by Pink FloydWww@QuestionHome@Com