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Position:Home>Philosophy> Did chicken out-evolve tigers by developing tastier meat than sharper claws?

Question: Did chicken out-evolve tigers by developing tastier meat than sharper claws!?
Think about it, chicken would probably stand a better chance of surviving longer than tigers!. Man will always keep a healthy supply of chickens for their consumption while tigers may be hunted to extinction by illegal poachers if left in the wild!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Another example: There is a certain fungus that lives
nowhere else but in 'leaf cutter ant` burrows!.
The fungus eats the leaves, the ants eat the fungus!.
But if we and the ants disappear, the chicken and
fungus are out of luck!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I disagree with that, tigers if anything took the necessary steps to evolve, Case in point we don't eat them, I couldn't imagine most early societies trying to hunt down a tiger for food vs!. a chicken!. Chickens are easy prey and that's their downfall!.

Them being tasty has nothing to do with anything, because who knows a tiger might be the best tasting meat ever, it exercises so it's lean and it's organic!.

Now to the whole idea of man implying the existence of chickens is debated, because I'm pretty sure any animal of the animal kingdom would rather be the tiger than the chickens!. If anything Chickens might think to devolve 100k years from now or they might mutate a virus!.
And men do a lot to protect the species of endangered animals!. Local governments need to take their part with animal protection agencies!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I would rather die on my paws, than live on my belly!

If tigers were prized for their meat, they may very well have been domesticated and raised as a food source!.!.!. but then they would have lost the essence of their being!. In effect, they would no longer be a real 'tiger'!.

It would simply be an extinction of another sort!.

Tigers and other predators and large animals are in increasing danger of being lost to history as their habitats are continually being destroyed!. Much of this destruction is like a black comedy!.

In Indonesia, some islands are being turned into palm oil plantations, with jungles being ripped down to meet the demands of health conscious and eco-friendly consumers in the West!.

Why!? In the West, transfats (bad) are being replaced by saturated fats (not as bad) - they need cheap sources and thus the ecological havoc in many developing countries, ending in shrinking habitats for many endangered species!.
We need to 'save the planet' from global warming so we demand bio-fuels!.!.!. palm oil again being used and abused!.


evolution doesn't have a forward plan, it just takes a series of very short term steps that over time lead to big changes!. in a more specific answer mans been the one breeding the chickens to get tastier, hasn't happened by itself!Www@QuestionHome@Com

What makes you think that Tiger meat isn't tasty!? And how quickly do you think something can evolve!? I'm thinking that they were just lucky, if you consider being born to be eaten lucky!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

just like roses and other "pretty" flowers!. We will ensure their survival for a long time!.Www@QuestionHome@Com