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Position:Home>Philosophy> What counts most in your life?why?

Question: What counts most in your life!?why!?
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no money no talk so its moneyWww@QuestionHome@Com

My relationship with the God of the Bible!. I have followed Him all my life, and I am now an old Gramma!. God has led me thru many difficulties, given meaning to my life, encouraged me when I am sad, given me great joy and many blessings, including four children and six grandkids!. He is always there with me, and has never let me down, even tho I have failed Him many times!. I trust Him!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

the people in my life, because they are amazing!. they give me hope and faith each and every day to keep going with a smile on my face!. they are there for me whether i'm up or down, happy or sad!. they make my life complete!. without them, i wouldn't be the same person that i am today!. they fill my life with joy and wonder, they're amazing and glorious!. not only are they loving and caring, but helpful and understanging too!. they count more than words can explain because they love me more than words can explain, and i love them the same!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The Lord and His purpose for me! I have much in my life!. I am a homemaker with 6 children and a wonderful husband!. We live on five acres of land in the back of a canyon, with only one neighbor!. I have 8 grandchildren and all my children are prosperous!. I do not want for anything in life, absolutely nothing!.
I have peace, contentment, happiness and love, so much love for 'all' others
I am 'not' saing this to be smug or arrogant or that I am better than the average bear, for I am not!.
I would not have "ANY" of this iif it were not for the Lord in my life!.
This is what the Lord offers everyone, who wants it!. Just by putting Him "first" in my life has brought me all these!. Al He asks of any of us, is to be acknowledged and to give Him the steering whel of our lives!. It is really quite simple and so much easier to live life this way!. And, the best part of it all; He will "always" 'be there' for us, forever and ever!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Life is what counts and the person you become!. If you become the type of person who is hateful and mean you'll never have a stress free life!. It's good just to realx and enjoy life for what it really is!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Being happy!. That's the most important thing in life!.
If you're not happy, no one around you is, either!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

my children, they mean the world plus more to me!. they are what counts, how they feel, there general well being!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

!.!.!.my love for my wife! !.!.!.love is missing in a lot individual lives!.

Not to make anybody sad!. Because it is the only way of "life"!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

My family (Parents and especially my sis)
my uncle
my grandma
my friends (i!.e true friends)
and I won't tell you whyWww@QuestionHome@Com