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Position:Home>Philosophy> If your mind could be duplicated into an android's body, do you feel that yo

Question: If your mind could be duplicated into an android's body, do you feel that you really got transferred!?
Note that there is no physical brain transfer!. Just your brain data (assuming that this means all your memories, thoughts, and personality)!. Would you wait for your android copy to wake up and wish it good luck, or terminate your biological self before your android is activated so that there will be only one you!. If that is the case, did you really get transfered to the android or is it just a perception of being transferred!. Would you sacrifice yourself so that another totally identical you could take your place in this world!? Despite everything being identical, would you still be concerned that there is your 'spirit' or 'soul' that didn't get transferred!? Knowing all these potential dilemma, would you still go through with the process so that you could live forever!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Ah!.!.!. but from the android's perspective, I DID get transferred!. It would remember being me, perhaps being anesthetized for the procedure, and then 'waking up' as an android in a continuous sense!. And it is quite possible that it would also simultaneously remember being tested in the factory while devoid of personality, being lugged to the facility where the procedure was performed, and so on!.

That's the funny thing about memory!. It's a lot like imagination!. There's really almost no telling how accurate it is, whether it is very continuous, or exactly what occurs when except for the time stamp you've associated with each memory!. Personally, I have actually specficially taken action to blot out memories I didn't much care for and reimagining better memories instead!.

So where is my identity!? It's wherever whatever is doing the simulation of me is!. If my consciousness has been transferred to some mechanism, then each of us will probably consider himself the 'authentic' one to an extent!. We can each only go with whatever's going on in our own think-box!.

As such, I don't see much of a point to sacrificing myself so an identical me comes into existance!. That would be like going to a store and buying a dollar for a dollar!. Now, if I could copy my consciousness into an android, I'd probably do that and even give that version of me whatever benefits I could, but I see no reason why I should end my life after doing so!. There'd just be two of us!. Brothers, in a sense!. Someone more identical in some ways than an identical twin, but just as prone to mentally veer off in a different direction as any twin!.

Now if it was completely necessary to destroy my existing self to immortalize myself in a new form, then that might be worth considering!. I would need to be satisfied that a significant enough chunk of 'self' was actually transferred and that the receiving vessel was beneficial enough to be worth the possibility of failure!. But I can conceive of that burden possibly being met!.

Personally, I expect biological near-immortality through ever-advancing medical procedures to arise before some kind of 'consciousness transfer' does!. Likewise, it seems likely to me that the ever-narrowing gap between biology and artifice in the future disappears entirely, so the difference between 'human' and 'machine' isn't really there at all!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

just a copy!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

What you are not realizing is that the brain is not separate from the body!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


Would a duplicate of my brain physiologically perfect in every way, necessarily be conscious!? Would that consciousness be the same as the one that I have now!?

Some say yes, some say no!.!.!.!.!.!.

For me this is a particularly interesting question!. Are we antenna or self contained complete packages!. East vs West so to speak!. Currently, I can make a good argument for both!.!.!.!.!.!.

Just to make it a little more fun!.!.!.!.How much of my brain would have to be duplicated perfectly!? where is "me"!?

Edit: General - Brain in a vat (Philosophy) So, if you lost your arms and legs you would not still be you!? BTW thanks for the thumbs down!. neophyteWww@QuestionHome@Com

No, not at all!. You would have the problem of whose perspective you will see from after the procedure (if you stuck around), and it would always be the original, as I think you need continuity to remain the same individual! Otherwise you are just creating creepy clones/androids (no offense meant to clones in the future) and murdering yourself!. Same goes for teleportation! also, there is no soul or spirit in the paranormal remote viewing and ghosts sense (which you would need to answer yes to your question!)!. There may be one if you make the definition wishy-washy enough!.

EDIT- My main argument is that I could exist at the same time as my clone with a copy of my brain!. This being a possibility means that the me and the clone are separate beings!. Sure, I would be identical to my clone, and think the same, but if I die, I die!. There cannot be a magic morphing to his point of view as there is nothing magic or significant about death!. also, I choose not to believe that I am a different person day to day, it's too complicated!. I am the same me, my mind is a dynamic process and my consciousness a byproduct!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No!.!.!.!.!. if all brain data was transferred I could not consider that android me!. Especially if we could both exist simultaneously!.!.!.!.!.!. which would mean that it is impossible for him to be me and vice versa!. The same idea is true of teleportation where a replica is produced in the distant location while the original is destroyed!. The replica would be you in every detail, but the you that is you now would actually be dead, and a new you that is not you would be alive!.

If however their were a process that converted small portions of ones brain into mechanical pieces over a long stretch of time, such that 5% would be incrementally converted in any given year!.!.!.!.!.!.!. then I would say yes!. As it stands every 7 years the human body undergoes a full cell by cell duplication!. In 7 years time not a single cell in your body will be the ones you have today!.!.!.!. they would have all died and been replaced with duplicates!. So in 7 years you have undergone a brain change!.!.!.!. however it is done in pieces over time!. Right now some of your brain is dying while it replicates its replacements, if instead of organic replacements it was synthetic instead you would not have a full crossover event!. That would allow you to retain your you-ness while giving you all the advantages of an android brain!. Once your brain was fully converted it could be removed and placed into any body while still retaining the sense of self!.Www@QuestionHome@Com