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Position:Home>Philosophy> What do you live for? What do you think life is all about?

Question: What do you live for!? What do you think life is all about!?
Tell me what you live for your kids, husband, boyfriend, ur animal, your family!? And why!? And What do you think life is all about!?

Can you put the highlights of a life in ur answer!? Like ur ups and downs!. AND YOUR TEENAGE LIFE!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The teenage life was in the sixties for me, it was very convoluted!. Revolutionary aspects flying off everywhere and the sexual revolution exploding as far and as fast as the women could get the pill!. Music expanding beyond the boundaries we have always known and stopped short at!. Social scenes crumbling and barriers to cultures and races rent apart!. Men, women, children all in one boat crying foul over a war that shouldn't be!. New age occultists running rampant and the coming and going of "The Beatles", the forefront of the "Av-ant Gard"!. My teenage years were a tumultuous time in my life with so many new things hitting the airwaves, drugs so prevalent, and stigmas attached to the youth of the day!. I'm still a "Hippie" at heart; albeit an "old hippie", but the last time I cut my hair was in 1989 and that was just because I wanted to make a fly whisk out of my pony tail!. Still I balk at unnecessary authorities and still I rebel against most of the world but still it is all in vain!. Just like it was damn near forty years ago!.!.!.!.!.!.
These days!? I live for "GOD"!. I live for the "Christ Jesus", I live with the "holy spirit" as much as I can because that is the only thing that makes sense to me, it is the only authority that I bow to unquestionably and the holy trinity is all that I live for!. I've been in the Buddha camps, the flower child world, the new age class, and the occult advancements!. I've seen the reality of a religion without God and the religions that use God, and I don't like niether!. They are detestible!. So I live as best I can "the way" the Christ taught us and that I find to be the only thing worth a man's while!. My art, my loves, my life, my toys, my belongings, all take second place to God!. It simply makes sense to me!.
I've read, studied and learned a vast amount from the bible and I've searched the archives of archeology to verify what I've put my faith in for the source of information!. The history of the ancient world coincides with the old testament and it coincides with the new testament!. I've found that the veracity of those sixty-six books are valid in their historicity!. That pleases me!.
The books have taught me what I could never find from another man, or woman!.
We are here to Love!.
So simple; but it is so, so, hard to do!.
We are here to love God with all our hearts and all our souls before anything and anyone else!. Then we are to love our neighbours as we ourselves would want to be loved!. Further more the books teach us what love is!. I read Paul's epistle to the Corinthians and in 1Corinthians 13:1 to 7, he shows us what love is in such a beautiful and complete description that it cannot be dismissed as a diatribe from a man stoned as I've been hearing about recently!.
I live for God, it's the only valid thing a man can live for!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I lost my answer here!. So allow me to start again!. Life is all about the Lord! When you 'let go and let God', your life is 'simple', easy to live!. I have a wonderful husband, six beautiful children, 8 wondrful grandchildren, a home on 5 acres, in the back of a canyon!. It is a modest farm, away from the traffic and hustle and bustle of everyday city life!. I am a homemaker, and my greatest purpose in life is for God!. I help anyone and everyone that comes to me, or I will go to them!. Whenever I hear the Lord call on me to help others, I respond obediently!. I know for a fact, it 'is' why I have all that I have in my life!. He takes care of me and mine and I take care of all He asks of me!. His reward is prepaid in full with perks* for all that I do in His name!.
It is such a (I cannot adequately descibe it,here) wonderfully beautiful life to live! I only wish I could share it with everyone in this whole wide world!. Truly, what a difference this would make! Share His Awesome love around the world!Www@QuestionHome@Com

There is no definite purpose for our lives on earth!. We establish our aims and purposes freely according to our abilities and talents, according to our ethics and morals!. However, the only purpose that we realize when we grow up is to enjoy our lives, our time and ourselves!. Even all religions puts certain criteria on which you can have eternal enjoyment!. However, science wants to achieve enjoyment and comfort on earth, while religions put off them till after death!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

My life is an endless quest, always searching for the reason, cause and effect!. It can be overwhelming sometimes, but this need i have in me is part of my nature!.
I live for knowledge!.
I am a weirdo, i know that, too!.

The highlights of my life!? Finding a reason, helping an animal, discovering something!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

To ask forgiveness to Jesus and ask him into our hearts!. Then when you die your souls goes to heaven and yyou live with him forever!. If you dont do that and repent you go to hell!. Or at sometime God will come(he is the same as Jesus) and pick up Christians and take them to heaven!. After that in seven years God will go and battle sinners that go to hell or those left on earth and win the earth and for the rest of eternity live on earth and in joy with God!. You must repent and do the following I said above in prayer to the Lord!. If not then you will soon die forever!. Do it!. If you do not know how read the Bible!. I hope I meet you in heaven someday!. Do what I say for there is no consequenses for doing this!. Please go to heaven and join billions and billions of other Christians in joy!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

life is about living!.
it is path that we, the chosen souls to live,
must endure!.

if you want it dull, live like how others
did it!.
if you want exemplary, sacrifice somethng
to do something and leave traces for