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Position:Home>Philosophy> Do you believe in determinism or free will? Or maybe both?

Question: Do you believe in determinism or free will!? Or maybe both!?
Do you think we control our destinies or do you think they're controlled for us!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I sense that our attitudes and inclinations call upon unseen things, invisible hands that move us this way or that way!. We are not absolutely free, but free to choose what will serve our lives for better or worse!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

We all have "free will"!. We all have 'choice' in our lives to live for the Lord, or for ourselves!. This is the 'free will' we are all given at birth!. If we chose to follow our own path, we go unprotected, stumble and fall, and learn all the pain that follows our booboo's in life!. Again we have the choice with each one to retain this experience, for unscrupulous means which, in turn, invites bitterness, in the highest degree, or we learn from it and move on to better things!.
After many, many years of trial and error,I have finally tired of this kind of life and decided to try another way!. I only wish I had chosen this way long before now!. Because now, I have everything, all I could ever want in my life and more!. Al this from giving my life for Him to guide me All the pain and suffering I could have spared myself!. But I probably not be here now sharing this with you, if I had!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think we are the true hybrid on the planet!. To me it is apparent that we have the capacity to learn, explore, and react to our environment as well as store information about our experiences and knowledge!. These physiological facts allow us to modify our behavior for better outcomes based on values towards our goals!. However, we also appear to receive our "self" from our external environment on a biological level!. Each of our cells has a supply of what are called self receptors!. These are the same cells used to determine if you are a good candidate for a transplant from a particular donor!. These (HLA) receptors receive the "self" from outside of the cell!.!.!.its not coming from the cellular nucleus!. Neither the DNA nor the Genome are responsible for this rather, the HLA receptors act like antenna and receive their individuality from the environment!. This means that when you receive a transplant those cells are still receiving the same "self" as they were in there former body!. So, its not that uncommon for say, Heart - Lung transplant patients to adopt new habits or quarks of personality that they have no idea as to why!. In some documented cases this has even led to the capture of murders!. Dreams, and thoughts of the former "self" seem to want to tell the story of their demise!.


Free will rules the day!.!.!.!.!.with a acknowledgment to environmentWww@QuestionHome@Com

if it is determined, then why, for heaven's sake, are we spending precious time making things!? why work if it is determined for you!? everything's a product of every decision made ever!.

it's made of choices!.
what you see fit that you enact 'determines' your path!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Our life is what we make it!. We were given free will upon creation to live it the way we want to!. Choices we made, comes with absolute freedom that made us supreme of all beings!. Our life is predestined, how we live it, is our choice!.!.!.that's free willWww@QuestionHome@Com

I'd say regardless of whether free will is true or not it's something that's necessary to believe in, otherwise why get up in the morning (other than the fact it had already been decided you would)!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Both!. I think that everything is determined by natural factors, but since these factors include us, we have a say in what the future will be!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I am a determinist, but not by choice!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

BOTH "Sow the seed and watch it grow"Www@QuestionHome@Com