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Question: 10 Questions!. 10 points to best answers!?
1!.Could you be a closet claustrophobic!?
2!.What would happen if you found a four-leaf-clover under a ladder!?
3!.If you get chemo-therapy do you lose your pubic hairs!?
4!.You know the signs on restaurant doors!? No Shirt, No Shoes, No Service!? what if someone goes in with No Pants!? Would the restaurant still have to serve them!?
5!.If you only have one eye!.!.!.are you blinking or winking!?
6!.If a pope goes to the bathroom, is it considered holy crap!?
7!.Why do they put holes in crackers!?
8!.Why isn't there mouse-flavored cat food!?
9!.Why is the word "abbreviate" so long!?
10!.Do one legged ducks swim in circles!?

_10 points to the person with the best answers!_Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
1- Yes, if you are hiding your claustrophobia!. But would coming out of the closet suggest you are getting better or worse!?
2- Throw a mirror at the guy on the ladder hoping he will catch it and then fall, tipping the ladder over and causing the man to break his legs!. That way the ladder will be on its side, leaving the path clear to grab ahold of that four leaf clover!.!.!.!.!.!. wait a second, this is only a three leafer!. Oops!
3- Yes, you even loose your eyebrows and eyelashes!.
4- No!.!.!.!.!. it is pretty much a given that your dangle needs to be holstered!.
5- If you have only one eye you still have two eyelids!.!.!.!.!. therefore you can still blink and/or wink!. If you only have one eyelid then your winking!.
6- No but Jesus' movements were
7- You just blew my mind!!!! I would guess they do it so that when you bite them they are less crumbs!. Sort of like a perferated tab!.
8- Their are!.!.!.!.!. mice taste like chicken (haven't you heard)!.
9- To mess with your mind
10- Wow!.!.!. another mind blower!!!! I guess they would!.!.!.!.!. though if I were a one legged duck I would really appreciate my wings more!. I would just fly everwhere!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

1!. no!.
2!. nothing!. i don't look under ladders, i have my life to live!.
3!. i DO get chemo, and i ain't tellin'
4!. what a silly question - no pants!? someone would call the cops!.
5!. I'm sure anyone who has such a trauma would be offended by this question!.
6!. no
7!. to make you ask silly questions
8!. because someone would call the Humane Society
9!. like answer 7 -- to make you ask questions
10!. if you had only one leg, would YOU swim in a circle!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Each of these questions are redundant!.
There is either only one obvious answer or answers of mere opinion!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

LMAO Gee, I think I've heard these questions before!. Was it George Carlin!?!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

you have way too much time on your hands- maybe you need to get outside more!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

1!. yes just because to be a 'closet' anything just means you havent come out about it!.
2!. youd have good luck if you pick the clover without walking under the ladder!.
3!. If chemo makes your hair fall out!.!.then probably your pubes wouldgo too!.
4!. Legally, they would have to serve you!. but its almost gaurenteed that if someone were to do that!.!.the NEXT day thered be a sign about pants!.
5!. you'd be blinking!.!.!.youd be winking if you used half your eye
6!. nope!. just because in order to be 'holey' the 'spirit' of something is the only thing considered holey!.!.!.and since **** has no spirit then no!.
7!. because they were first made that way and ppl fear change!.
8!. because we try to get our cats to NOT bring dead animals into the house!. why would you have mouse flavored cat food then yell at them for bringing in rats!.!.!.thats just mean
9!. because the abbreviation for abbreviate is abb!. :)
10!. just like any other handicap!.!.they probably adapt and swim normally!.!.!.well not normally!.!.but atleast not in circles!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

1!.Could you be a closet claustrophobic!?
Yes, and a good "walk-in" patient as well !

2!.What would happen if you found a four-leaf-clover under a ladder!?
Nothing, your good luck would be cancelled out by your bad luck!.

3!.If you get chemo-therapy do you lose your pubic hairs!?
Yes, both your public and private hairs!

4!.You know the signs on restaurant doors!? No Shirt, No Shoes, No Service!? what if someone goes in with No Pants!? Would the restaurant still have to serve them!?

Only if it's a "bottomless" bar!

5!.If you only have one eye!.!.!.are you blinking or winking!?
Neither, you are a 'cyclops!.'

6!.If a pope goes to the bathroom, is it considered holy crap!?
Only if he flushes with "holy water!."

7!.Why do they put holes in crackers!?
So I can squeeze them and push the butter through to make little worms!.

8!.Why isn't there mouse-flavored cat food!?
Because my cat won't eat it anyway, only tuna fish!.

9!.Why is the word "abbreviate" so long!?
So you can abbreviate it as "abbr!."

10!.Do one legged ducks swim in circles!?
No, they swim in water!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

1!. Yes! As long as my physical body remained outside the closet, and my phobia remained in!
2!. Reach my arm through the rung, and take the clover!
3!. Yes!.
4!. Very possibly in the near future, the way the lawsuits are running rampant!
5!. Both, depending on whether or not you're flirting or kidding!. One eye or two, you're still blinking or winking!.
6!. I would say it is!.
7!. The circulation of air causes them to get the crispy crunch!.
8!. Because no one would buy it!.
9!. Ah, the English language! We could shorten it a little and say "shorten"!.
10!. I would think so, poor thing! Or are their rearends their rudders!?!Www@QuestionHome@Com

1!.Not until you come out of it
2!.Seeing that its a whole lot harder to find a 4-leaf clover than to walk under a ladder, I'm gonna say that you'll loose a bit of good luck, but you still have some left-over
3!.Umm, I've never looked
4!.No, but mostly because you're committing a felony!. Curse you indecent exposure laws
5!. One-eyed people are generally not the kind of people I make eye-contact with!.
6!.Only if he's taking a dump!.
7!.Because its product they don't have to sell you!.
9!.So you abbrv!. it
10!.I think the important question here is why the duck only has one leg!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

1!. I think that is an oxymoron!.
2!. Good luck + bad luck = nothing!. It cancels itself out, mathematically!.
3!. Yes!.
4!. They wouldn't serve you and you'd receive a ticket for improper exposure since it's already a law and the sign assumes that you have common sense!.
5!. Blinking and winking are determined by the intent of the person!. Sometimes I'm trying to wink and I do it wrong and they think I'm blinking!.
6!. If you have a sense of humor, yes!.
7!. So when you put a saltine in your soup, the soup can go through the cracker and sink it so it actually gets into the mix, otherwise it'd just float on top!.!.!. and that doesn't taste as good!.
8!. Because that's too brash, and all the nice old women who own cats would be horrified!.
9!. Abbreviate isn't very long at all compared to 'hippopotomonstrossesquippedaliophobia"!. It's all about perspective!. (Yes, it's a word, and it means 'fear of long words')!.
10!. I watch the ducks at the park all the time, but I've never seen a one-legged one, so I can't honestly answer that!.Www@QuestionHome@Com