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Position:Home>Philosophy> I can't decide betwen Architecture, Interior design or Photography!?

Question: I can't decide betwen Architecture, Interior design or Photography!!?
Which one has more demand, and a better vision of beauty in general, or to not make it confussing, which is the best in general!?

Thank you, I'm very perfectionist :-/Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Between Architecture and Interior design, I would choose architecture!.!.!. It is a VERY good subject to learn as it opens many doors to others things and gives a very well-rounded education that can be applied to everythin!.!.!. If you do architecture, you can easily do interior design!.!.!. the reverse is not as true!. I would highly recommend architecture for school!.!.!. it applies to so many things including photography!. However, Architecture as a career choice is quite different than schooling experience!.!.!.!. you must deal with many real-world issues such as building codes, project management, clients, budget, etc!.!.!. maybe more so than the two other options you listed!.!.!. many times you may find yourself doing more business-related stuff rather than design!.!.!. but experience differs from firm to firm, project to project!.!.!. If you do architecture school, expect many sleepless nights as it is very very demanding in time and efforts on all fronts!.!.!.

Photography is more of an art form!.!.!. but can be extremely commercial as well (fine art photographer vs!. fashion photographer, stock photographer, paparazzi, etc!.)!.!.!. just depends on what path you take!. I think in all arts studies, you really spend time on your own personal development and soul-searching!.!.!. and really nurturing that and the process!. Photography changes the way you look at things!.!.!. makes you more observant to what is around you!.!.!. the phenomenological!.!.!. really helps you to see your surroundings and discover the magic within it!.!.!. Photography is also time consuming, but time spent may be more enjoyable!.!.!. also, with digitable at the forefront now, you probably won't be spending so much time in the dark room!.!.!. I'm not really sure how it works now!.!.!.

So what is it that really speaks to your heart!? Buildings & space - the physical, concrete!? or Images-the ephemeral!.!.!. don't think about money just yet or status or what's cooler!.!.!. what do you really believe you will enjoy doing the most!?

And ALWAYS remember that what you study should NEVER define the parameters of what you actually DO!.

And remember that what you put into your education is what you get!.!.!. i hear many complain about they're educational experience because of this or that!.!.!.this bad teacher or that bad school!.!.whatever!.!.!. doesn't matter!.!.!. you make it what it is!.!.!. really!.

Good luckWww@QuestionHome@Com

This is definitely a hard question to answer!. Each form of art shows beauty in different ways!. I guess you would first have to decide what you like to do best and match the career path with that!. Photography would be more of a freelance career unless you are really good and decide to write books or work for a company!. Each career depends on how good you are at the job also!. I like interior design the best but again you have to good at it in order to make a considerable amount of money doing it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I can't decide for you but I'd choose between interior design and photography (I particularly adore photography) because it's more creative, challenging (in a good way), and fulfilling!.

You'll get so bored with architecture after day after day of the same thing!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Architecture is the better choice!. I have an aunt who is an interior decorator and a son-in-law who is a photographer and a cousin who is an architect--go for the big bucks and the security!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com
