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Position:Home>Philosophy> Due to the Symmetric Property Can I say all Asians are Chinese?

Question: Due to the Symmetric Property Can I say all Asians are Chinese!?
The reflexive property is the property that allows you to say if X=B then B=X
So if Chinese=Asians then does Asians=Chinese
I not that is not true but how can this be justified!? And Im not trying to pick on asians and chinese it is just an exampleWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Back to logic 101 Lad!. Chinese do -not- equal Asians!. Chinese are a subset of Asians and the reflexive property then states that the set of all Asians includes Chinese as a subset!.


No!. Arabs are western Asians, of Semitic descent, or of Hamitic descent!. Turks are Mongolian!. Persians are Aryans, who BTW are Asian, not German!.

And not all Chinese are Asians, either!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Nope!. mathematically speaking, B (chinese) does NOT = X (asians), because X (all asians) = B (chinese) + C (the sum of all other population groups from asian countries)!.Www@QuestionHome@Com