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Position:Home>Philosophy> What are the rights of our society?

Question: What are the rights of our society!?
1!. what's the connection betweeb accepted conventions and the rights!?
2!. who establishes them !?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Our society does not provide for any rights that are not currently suppressed!. Therefore, none of us have any rights!.

If a right is not upheld under all conditions, then it is not a right!.

Movie that shows corruption at high levels in the United States; you have to wade through the first part:


The "unalienable rights" granted in the Constitution by the wisdom of our Founders was also called--at the time--individual sovereignty, because if you were not sovereign in your person, you had no rights that could be called "unalienable!."

Only those rights granted throught the 13th Amendment are "unalienable" and then only where they have not been usurped an denied by the "privileges and immunities" clause of the 14th Amendment, and (theoretically) ALL THE OTHER LAWS that have come since the 14th!.

Most of what we have are the LOSS of our unalienable rights AS ENVISIONED BY THE FOUNDERS!. Those men would be hopping mad to see that the things they fought to secure for themselves are no longer theirs--or ours!.


The Several States used to set them, except where such powers were explicitly granted to the Federal government!.

Now it is the opposite!. The Federal government has gained the upper hand, States Rights almost do not exist, and the State, which used to protect us FROM the Feds, now have lost many such powers BY FIAT!. The courts have allowed it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

unofficial "right" is to do whatever you do and suffer whatever consequences you suffer

"recoverable" rights are privledges granted by those in power to lesser beings

legal "rights" are privledges with a little more oomph and status!. and if tred upon causes whiningWww@QuestionHome@Com

Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness!.

We, the people establish them!.

And of course, we have the right to VOTE!. So exercise that

exclusive right and cast your ballot!Www@QuestionHome@Com

The only rights we have are those dictated by the government because we are ruled by law!. No one is free in this world!. Not even the members of government!.Www@QuestionHome@Com