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Position:Home>Philosophy> Would you rather live in the ascendancy of a civilization or it's decline?

Question: Would you rather live in the ascendancy of a civilization or it's decline!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Civilisations have provided favourable conditions for flourishing of human thought during the ascendancy!. The flowering of thought and enlightenment of personality take place in this period!. True poets, composers, men of letters and explorers are born and flourish in this period!. It is very lively to attend the ascendancy of a civilisation!. Look at the number of brilliant persons who appeared at the onset of the industrial revolution in Europe!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I would rather live in its decline!. I'm obsessed with rebelling against the status quo, and so in a declining state, I would feel more compelled to try to succeed in spite of the odds because my morally good actions would be more likely to be appreciated!.

In an ascending state, I define myself based on my ethical conduct as well, but that's more difficult to do because people are more apt to judge you to be morally bad by passing judgement on your amoral actions!. Thus the good things you do carry no weight!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You have me dead to rights!. I hate the declining age we live in!. It's like ancient Rome, but more decadent!. The Romans had circuses but we have snuff movies; they had orgies but we have porn full of inhumane and bizarre events!. As North Americans, we consume the majority of resources while millions starve!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The ascendancy tends to be very bloody since there's usually an uprising or revolution of some kind!. It's less risky to live in the decline, I think, but also probably very depressing!. I think I'd prefer the ascendancy!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com