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Position:Home>Philosophy> I'm 20. misrable, obessed with death, what's new with u?

Question: I'm 20!. misrable, obessed with death, what's new with u!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I'm going to go out on a limb and say you need a boyfriend!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yea!. I know what you mean!.I am not looking forward to World War 3 starting in about two years from now, followed by world wide civil violence and disorder caused by the war!.I am concerned by the Great Famine of the 21st century which will affect everyone!. Then there is death from a variety of causes!. When the war ends about 2019 things will be a little better until about 2029!. Then in 2030 there will be a severe persecution of Christians !. Many Christians will be put to death!. (Not looking forward to this!)!. Then in about 2033 a great and terrible war begins!. This is World War 4!. At the end of the war about 2038 a severe set of sufferings begin, which are described in the book of revelation as the first six Trumpets of the Seventh Seal!.
Nothing to look forward to, only suffering and death ,don't you think!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

well hun im 19 almost 20
ive been obsessed with death for majority of my life!.
things will get better
u just have to reprogram your thinking!.
if u want to meet a nice girl guy or whatever
join a group, look online, go out!.
u will find someone1
remember there is some1 out there for every1

good luckWww@QuestionHome@Com

me!? well finished last uni assignment now i get to study for exams should be great fun(droll) meh why obssed with death its not that intresting, and its imposible to contemplate nothingness so why bother!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'm 32 years old, and I just had my birthday!. If you pick my answer, I promise I will read it, and if you want I will be your email buddy for a few weeks!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

LOL NICE GURL*~Www@QuestionHome@Com