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Position:Home>Philosophy> How can Philosophical Robots Exist ?

Question: How can Philosophical Robots Exist !?
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yes this is a good questoinWww@QuestionHome@Com

Philosophy is based on logic--when it's rational!.
These links describe what logic "is!."
Note the mathematical-like tables!.

Actually, logic is mathematical , similarly to music, which is mathematical!.
So, you program the tables and the rules into a computer, then you feed it questions!.

HOWEVER, it takes Reason to choose the proper answer for the situation, for the people involved, and for any other considerations such as emotion!.

There is not NECESSARILY only ONE correct, logical answer, meaning an answer that fits the description of BOTH "valid" AND "sound!." There could be 15 by Aristotle's count, 24 by other counts!.

How does a robot choose anything other than "valid" and "sound"!?

It cannot not!.Www@QuestionHome@Com