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Question: Intelligence a burden!?
Think about it, is intelligence a burden!? Since people don't know, or think about what you have the mental capacity to, does that make you better than them!? Do you drink, just so you could feel 'normal'!? On par with the average man content with working a 9-5 job and comming home to eat dinner with his family!?

Would you rather just have average intelligence and feel the bliss of ignorance, or be intelligent and be absolutely miserable!?

If you've seen the movie, The Matrix, would you have taken the red pill and have woken up to a broken world, or taken the blue pill and thought it all just to been a dream!?

What I'm trying to get at is, how smart is too smart!? Do you generally feel like an outcast for being more intelligent than your peers!? It's like in my computer class yesterday, people got mad at me for typing 122 wpm!. In my Math class they got mad at me for throwing the curve and getting a 97%, and I'm just wondering how other people feel about this!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
wow!. while you may not be as intelligent as Einstein or a rocket scientist you are definitely intelligent than most!. I may not be as intelligent as you are mathematically nor in other aspect of intelligence (nor will i claim to be one) but i think i can relate to what you mean!. yes, sometimes i think its a burden because generally i feel alone!. like very few people can actually relate to what i say!. there are also limited people to whom i can have good conservations with!. i constantly seek for people whom i can relate to!. those type who generally view life as a big problem which needed to be resolved!. unfortunately there are really few and those few that i know i've lost contact with!. i guess thats why i engage in YA!. at least here, i can answer stuffs which concerns me and that i've asked myself too!. these are few reasons why i think intelligence is a burden!.

i dont know about you but i while i think im better than others i dont consider myself as above them!. (nor do i consider myself below the people i think are better than i am)!. i think the most intelligent person or mostly those who are really intelligent are the most humble!.

of course id rather be intelligent who is sometimes miserable but not absolutely miserable!. i dont think the trully intelligent are absolutely miserable!. do you think Einstein is!? Do you think Stephen Hawking is!? Can you name others who you consider intelligent as absolutely miserable!? these are self-actualized people who have gone pass that dillema of intelligence as a burden!.

yes!. red pill for me please!.

well, there are IQ test which could measure intelligence!. you'll know your too smart if your score is way high up of course!. but too smart for me would be knowing so much yet not actually knowing the value of what you know!.

i dont generally feel an outcast but i feel alone!. im not even as intelligent as you probably are!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Balance is the key!. With intelligence comes responsibility!. If you would rather be unintelligent and irresponsible, that is your choice!.
My one wish would be that more people would see intelligence as a responsiblity, not a burden!.
Perhaps you are showing off, being a smart a@@ in class!. Perhaps you are just being you!.
But, as I said, the key is balance!. Develop your personality along with intelligence!. There are many intelligent people in the world, but not many who have learned to develop other facets of their personality!. And don't believe that you HAVE to be the best at everything!. Others have their talents, too!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Intelligence is a blessing, please value your intelligence!. I can't even imagine typing 122wpm, how wonderful to be so skilled and to pass a test 97%, you are truly blessed and must honor your gifts you have received!. Intelligence will not bring success by itself, you still do the work, you are not that skilled without really working hard!. The first step is, accept yourself and like yourself!. Having intelligence, does not make one person better then another!. It brings responsibility to share your knowledge with others!. Have you ever considered helping someone learn to read, right now there are people who are intelligent too, but never had the opportunity of going to school, they had to work very hard, even as a young person!. By helping others your reward will be great, you have given a great gift to someone!. Good Luck!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes, living in a world where you are aware of the misery is wearing!. For some reason, intelligence amplifies the misery but not the joy!.

Living with dummies is also a drag!. It's lonely and frustrating when nobody understands you!.

Ignorance truly is bliss!. I look at my dog (even for a dog he's dumb), and he gets so happy and excited about the lamest things!. Sometimes I wish we could trade places!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

- is Fact weirder than fiction!?

- Fiction is faked, then imagination is born!.
- Imagination is illusion, then nothing is born!.
- Nothing is fact, then how fat can we get!?

- We are all the same, but views make us different!.
- different people act differently, so Why get angry!?
- if anger is the problem, then where did it came from!?
- if there's no absolute answer, then why bothers!?
- if ignorance keep us from suffer,
- then insane will be much better!.

- Are we all insane then!?

The intelligent one attracts jealousy and competitions,
but the wise one understands the consequences and accept it!.

a brilliant one is able to change the world!.
but a wise one is able to change himself!.

a smart one craves for praises, award and attention,
but a wise one works on his inner peace!.

a Clever one teaches his students,
but the wise one inspires them!.

Ignorance is not a bliss, sir!.
ignorance is denial!.

work on your patience!.
patience is the key to wisdom!.
wisdom is the key to bliss!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

At times it sure looks like it is!.

Most people are envious of those better than them in any way!.!.!.materialistically, intellectually or any other wise and mean enough to pull them down!. They will be happy only if your intelligence benefits them in some way!.

One way to be popular (if that's what you want) is to play the Fool!. Let them think you're no different than them!. That would of course mean you'll have to suffer the fools too in the bargain!. Tough luck!.

Otherwise just be polite and humble to everyone and make a 'nice guy' image for yourself!. People can't get mad at an intelligent nice guy!.

Now choice is yours!. Choose intelligently!.!.!.Good Luck!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If someone was so intelligent wouldnt they just think of a way of not standing out in the crowd and being happy anyway!? instead of allowing themselves to get depressed about something they know they cant change!.!.!.!. and if they did allow themself to become so upset about something like this!.!.!.wouldnt they be not intelligent for not being able to think of this in advance and fix it before it ever became a problem!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

People don't get mad at you for typing 122wpm, they get mad at you for being up yourself about it!.

There is no thing as being too smart, the problem is being socially inept but blaming your 'great intelligence' for it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well hun!.!.when you are intelligent you can never be miserable!.!.!.unless you are all corky, people get mad because they are jealous!. keep doing good, because in the end your gonna be successful, and those people who put you down will become hobos' or mcdonald workers!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It is human nature to be envious of another persons abilities, intellect or skills!. Just remember that employers are looking for people with those aspects!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes, and such is the theme of Dostoyevsky's "Notes from Underground!." You may find it interesting!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Actually it's ignorance, and stupidity that is a burden!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

"All we know, is that we know nothing"-Socrates!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


why does your type always compare their lives to the Matrix!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

The easiest solution to all of this is to flunk your math test and type slower so then everybody else can be satisfied with the fact that you're just like they are!.

Path #1- Become an average joe with a hidden ability to surpass everybody else in computer and math class!. This doesn't change the fact that you still think the way you do!. It just gets rid of unnecessary social issues!.

Path#2-Continue on just as you are and come to a great realization that your intelligence is worth it!.

Personally I think that some people are just naturally better at some things than other people are!. Einstein (cliched example but whatever) wasn't ever called the genius he was until he came out with a few brilliant discoveries!. In fact, they thought the opposite in his early life!. Other people made him a "genius" and "stupid" at the same time, but to him, all that while, he was probably just another human being who had a love for science and the ability to imagine wild wild ideas!. You've got natural abilities other people don't have!. Other people have natural abilities you don't have!. Don't let it get ugly just because your abilities are more apparent than other people's!. Those things you do so well should be explored and used to the fullest extent, no matter if you're labeled as an idiot or genius!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

One of the biggest problems of being intelligent, that is better than the average, is that it can reduce the people you can have an enjoyable conversation with or enjoy being around!. If an idea occurs to you you have to resist the temptation to launch into talking about it as others often will not understand what you are talking about!.

A typical average person also uses a lot of pronouns when they talk and they don't realize the large number of ambiguities that can be created by not using names and nouns!. So you end up pulling information out of them and this strains the conversation!.

Public schools usually cave to peer group pressure and you should ask your teacher not to make your grade public!. Your teacher has an obligation to protect you from those who don't care as much as you about learning and achieving!. (By the way, typing was one of my most useful classes I ever took in high school!. The math and sciences were just not hard enough!.)

But being intelligent is nothing to regret!. You see so much more and can enjoy so much more!. And you will eventually meet more people like you!. Good luck!.Www@QuestionHome@Com