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Position:Home>Philosophy> What logical fallacy is in this statement?

Question: What logical fallacy is in this statement!?
"Now you can say plenty of things about my attitude to the game you can disagree/agree think I should leave the game etc but I'm suspect there is one thing you can't do:

Is to supply any evidence that my opinion isnt actualy shared by the MAJORITY of players
My evidence for this is just my general experience of human nature, that most people while competitve are also constructive, that while they want to succeed few people want to do it at the cost of others!.
Obviously this evidence isnt overwhelming but its better than anything I heard to support the opposite view that people play this game to blow up as many other players as possible causing them the maximum grief possible"

What would be a good counter argument!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Yes, I'll also go with appeal to (false) authority!. But there's something else, too!. I'm not sure what it is called any more!. In this case, the burden of proof is not on the other people, but on himself!. He is the one bringing up the claim that his opinion is shared by the majority of players!. It is his to prove, not the others to disprove!.

His claim is actually irrelevant to the real argument!. So, that's even another thing, darn near a red herring!. I don't think it is a red herring, though!. I forget what it is, straw man maybe!.!.!.!.I don't know!. But it is irrelevant, that's certain!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

That the entire first sentence was entire incoherent!.
Anyway, it might help to tell us what game he's talking about!?
Otherwise, I don't think it's fair for him to assume he knows what the majority of players will think!. There are a fair amount of sadists out there, and who knows what other people actually think!? In addition, the majority opinion isn't always the right one!. Buuut, it's rather hard for me to argue this, considering that I completely agree with his point :PWww@QuestionHome@Com