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Position:Home>Philosophy> What is the Difference Between a spirit and a soul?

Question: What is the Difference Between a spirit and a soul!?
what exactly are they and how do they exist in our being!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

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Let's pick on German and Latin for a little insight!.

In German, spirit is geist, which could mean not only spirit but could mean mind!. It's that thinking or reasoning part of a person!.

In Latin, soul is from anima, as in that which animates, as in that which moves or causes life-like behavior!. For St!. Aquinas, soul is the first principle of life, or that which gives life to the body!.

There is therefore a sense in which one could argue that soul is the life force, so to speak, or that by which we have life, whereas spirit is the life itself, or the rational, intellectual, or reasoning evolution of the person!. Thus, one could say that the spirit "has" a soul!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

A soul or spirit are the classical terms for something that survives the death of the body and mind!. In layman's terms the only thing we can observe that stands apart from the body and mind (able to observe it objectively without words) is awareness!. This suggests that awareness is the soul or some aspect of it!.

The vehicle for awareness in molecular form would be the soul and the vehicle for awareness in electrical form or light would be spirit!. In all cases there has to be awareness in the moment in order to exist!.

The soul would be objective to the body and mind and able to observe them and the spirit would be able to observe the soul as it is a higher order of existence!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Soul is a religious concept, presumably underlying the life properties of the physical body!. I do not believe in its existence, but I simply believe in the complex aspects of life!.
Spirit, on the other hand, is not a religious concept!. It reflects the mood and the relationship of the human being towards the surrounding environment!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Many philosophies show the make up of man to be complex, with multiple psycho-spiritual levels, which one could divide up arbitrarily into soul and spirit!. For instance, yogis have six planes beyond the physical body, the lower few of whch could be regarded as Soul and the upper few as Spirit!.
In the end, unless you can experience the states separately for yourself, it's all a question of names and stories!. Find them for yourself!Www@QuestionHome@Com

The difference is basically semantics - two words that have very similar meanings!.

Short version: In my opinion, our spirit/soul is the force that makes us different from anyone else and yet connects us to the source of divinity (insert deity or source of life here) which connects us all!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Nothing!. Why do they have to be diff!?

If you are one of those who would reify them, you might find differences!. But if you reify them, you will have to show one to me before I'm convinced as to its form, shape, and chemical makeup!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The spirit and the body together constitute what is called
a soul!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

both spirit and soul inhale; only the spirit lies about itWww@QuestionHome@Com

one is fiction and one is mythWww@QuestionHome@Com

None, because neither exist!.Www@QuestionHome@Com