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Position:Home>Philosophy> If you could choose what age you lived to, what is the maximum age you would wan

Question: If you could choose what age you lived to, what is the maximum age you would want to live to!?,!?
ie your body and mind woud carry on ageing till you die!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
There's NO WAY in Hades I'm settling for 80!. Great Grandpa "Question This" lived to be 101, and at his 100th birthday party, he danced on his chair (in celebration of his new hip)!.

And HE was a coal miner, a war veteran, and a life-long smoker!. GIven that none of those are applicapalbe to me, I figure I have AT LEAST 303 years to live, factoring in nano-technology!.

I expect it will take 100 years to see enough of the World to call myself educated!. At this point, of course, I will probably need a wheel chair!. I will spend the next 100 years (it will take me a while, given my delpleted mental state) using what I have learned to ponder and understand LIfe and Love, and 20 years publishing books and giving lectures, attempting to reveal the secret to the rest of the Universe!.

After realizing no one wants to know the secret, I will spend 80 years searching for someone who wants to be with me in spite of the fact that I have 300 years of wrinkles, wear diapers, and think his name is "David Duchovny" most of the time!.

With three years of life remaining, I will turn on the radio, and realizing that "music" is now "just noise", I will board my spaceship in search of some peace and quiet!. I'll spend my last three years floating quietly, contemplating the stars, and trying to comprehend the words of Hellen Keller, who, in 88 short years, learned enough to write,

"Everything has its wonders,
even darkness and silence,
and I learn,
whatever state I may be in,
therein to be content!."Www@QuestionHome@Com

70!. I have seen what old age does to people and the "fantastic" burden they become on everybody around them!. About 70, catch cancer, say my goodbyes and put everything in order and snuff it!. I do not want to be kept alive for decades after my use by date by medication, simply being a fantastic burden on society and ruining everybody's life while benefiting only the drugs industries while sleeping 23 hours a day!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

This coming from a 7th grade student: I would live to the age of 70 Because I think that 60 is the age where the health decreases therefore living to 70 will give me ten more years to do what ever I have to do Before i Leave this earthWww@QuestionHome@Com

somebody once asked george burns if he had wanted to live to be a hundred years old!. he replied "not until I turned 99"Www@QuestionHome@Com

As long as I'm coherent enough (nano-biotechnological fixes factored in, of course - lol) to adore the inherent QT of LIFE, let my Substance breathe The Wonder!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'd go for!.!.!. Anything around 75ish!. Older, the chances of getting ill are too high; younger, you might miss something! I want to see my grandchildren grow up!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

60!. That gives me another 22 years!. I dont want to grow sooo old that i become a burden to my children!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

about 90
b cuz i want to see my children grow up!!

Assuming that I still like living, I would choose to live forever!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

probably 87, with all my faculties!.!.!.otherwise , just pull the plugWww@QuestionHome@Com

80 years young!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


Obviously, at least a bit older than I am now!Www@QuestionHome@Com

" Till my body could not carry my soul anymore "Www@QuestionHome@Com

If I still had my health, then as long as that lasts!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'm here for the duration, ( as long as it takes )Www@QuestionHome@Com