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Position:Home>Philosophy> What all (material, mental possessions) do you identify with?

Question: What all (material, mental possessions) do you identify with!?
make a list, if you like!.!.!.
thank you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
My loved ones!.
My life!.

That's about it really!.

I do not identify with my material possessions or my beliefs - these are all passing things, things I own, have, cherish, but not integral to my self!.

If someone steals my computer I am angry & sad, but I'll get over it!.

If someone attacks my beliefs, they are not attacking me personally, just concepts!.

If someone threatens my life or that of my loved ones, I will defend these to my last breath!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Mental : self awareness, awareness over all - and the joy of directing it to others as well as nature and all living things for their uniqueness
Joyousness to feel alive and privileged to have been chosen to witness ITS' Miracle with appreciation, whether there is tragedy or delight!. Even a seemingly un-eventual day is Chock full of surprises if one's eye is keen to discern!.!.
A feeling of powerful love for everything - a generosity unbound because of this!.
Unselfishness, because I do not make unnecessary comparisons which bring on jealousy and envy!.
An acceptance of, just as there was my birth, there'll also be my death!.!.!.and this time for exploration of meaningfulness of PRESENT time!.
I hold no grudges!.!.!.anger may come, yet disperses into non-importance!. It does not become, (a grudge) upon a vengeance may be later served, upon "a cold platter"!.
Intelligence, sensitivity, enthusiastic giving, participation!.
Readiness to EMBRACE all!
Examining myself toward not falling into all sorts of comfortable denial!.
An Open mind!.!.!.a laissez faire!.!.!.a live and let live attitude and more!.!.!.
Material : My art supplies, which allow my work be manifested!.
A certain pride in the result which is my work, although by no means is it a possession, but something alike a child I've given birth to, but because of its' individuality, its' own autonomy past the severing between us of the umbilical cord, it is not at all a possession of mine, but more a proud evidence of another living soul to join us here, on this earth!

Great Question! Thank you!.
La "O"Www@QuestionHome@Com

For now (during this particular physical manifestation), I identify with my name, as it is the only thing that I have ever known that has not changed since the moment of this life's physical birth!.

But even that is pushing it!.!.!. as the "feeling" about my own name HAS changed!.!.!.

This is how I feel about all things!. (i!.e!. life, love, joy, peace, etc!.)
These "things" may be considered to be "constant" states of being, but "feelings" about such "things" change constantly!.!.!. thus, are they really "constant states of being" as some might say!?

heck, even by answering this question, it could be said that I identify with the words (this answer) that I have written!.!.!. but, then again, it may change!.!.!.

just some thoughts!.!.!. but, as I have said!.!.!. what am I to know!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

With many, like profession,family,caste,nationality,fame!.!.!.

I try not to 'identify' with much of anything!. Being unaligned frees your thought processes to follow whatever path they may desire!.


With my qualities of my inner being with which I discovered deep love with whatever I do and get reciprocated in equal measure from all I came in contact!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I asked myself, 'What I want!?'
Nothing but you Lord!.
Root cause of reincarnation is unfulfilled desires!. Then
Why should I make the list!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

" each moment that passes changes you!. You do not!.!.!. cannot possess even yourself!. How can you hope to possess anyone or anything else!? "


y may notWww@QuestionHome@Com