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Position:Home>Philosophy> What does the world look like if seen through the eyes of a mentally ill person?

Question: What does the world look like if seen through the eyes of a mentally ill person!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I guess that would depend on which mental health issue you were referring to and if they are treating their mental health issues!.
A paranoid schizophrenic must view the world as a very terrifying place overall!. The continuous feelings of fear and persecution must be a living hell!.
Someone who is in a manic phase believes that the world is so full of possibilities that it becomes overwhelming, an unrealistic sense of hope and choices!. (Not saying they make the best choices or limit them)!.
Someone who is in a severe state of depression likely has a negative, hopeless and helpless view of the world!.
Visual and auditory hallucinations can create a distorted and frightening view of the world!. It also creates great frustration as these things can be very real to the person and they develop a need to defend their reality!.
If, in therapy and on effective medications, they view the world as "normal" people (another relative term)!.
These would be a few, way too many to diagnostic categories to discuss here!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Probably less illusionary than when supposedly A sane or mentally "healthy" person looks at it!.
No one is devoid of a touch of mental illness, it seems that we'd all like to never admit this!.!.!.but I believe our influences to mental distortion affecting all of us, (if that is a word we may use to define mental illness) is present in all of us!.!.!.to different gradations!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It depends on your explanation of the word seen!. Physically it looks normal unless they have something that affects their vision, or if they have hallucinations or delusions of any kind!. In a more metaphoric sense, you would have to ask a doctor, psychologist, psychiatrist, or mental patient!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Very different, scary, unfamiliar, and challenging!.

Sometimes, you try to do all you can for them, but all too often--they go without help or support!.

And it just makes things worse for them and the rest of society!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Discriminating & oppressive!.Www@QuestionHome@Com
