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Position:Home>Philosophy> What would happen to society if we all stopped working?

Question: What would happen to society if we all stopped working!?
Would the rich still be rich!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
It would be impossible for everyone in the world to stop working!. All that would change is the amount of work you would do (a lot more) and who/what you'd be working for (yourself/personal survival)!.

Obviously, traditional 9-5 type jobs would cease to exist, but people would have to make some effort to maintain food, shelter, etc!.

Since eventually you'd have to build and repair your own house, grow (or catch/kill) and cook your own food, make your own clothes, and walk everywhere (assuming you're not an automotive engineer with an oil refinery in your back yard), the society in which no one works would actually be more work to maintain because there'd be no division of labor!.

The rich would only remain rich as long as they still had something that could serve as incentive to get other people to do their share of the work!.

If so, then they'd stay rich beacuse they would end up being the few people with leisure time--the most valueable thing in a society in which all "work" stopped!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Everything would come to a stop!. You would not be able to buy food, you would not have gasoline, electricity, television, radio, newspapers etc!. If you became sick, you would surely die, since there was no Hospital etc!.Even if the rich were still rich, they could not buy anything, if everyone would stop working!. I am just glad that our society is responsible and this could not happen here!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Of course not, agriculture, manufacturing, labor etc!.!.!. will all halt, money would be worthless!. Who is going to build a rich mans house, who is going to open up store or grocery store etc!.!.!. Money would be useless, a rich man would still have his property but he would have to maintain it and protect it since Anarchy would sweep the world!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If everyone stopped working, society would stop working!. I think the rich would move away to keep their riches and the government would turn to communism!. Everyone would start having kids and get on welfare!.
To be honest, I think our glorified police state would force us to work!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

the apocalypse will happen sooner than we thought!.



the rich depends on the working class to create fundings which circulates throughout the system in the country's economy!.

the rich is rich because they make money off the poor or the middle-class!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Go to any medium sized town in Russia for the answer to that!. Some would remain rich, the money has to go somewhere, but the rich wouldn't be earning it, instead stealing it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

the people on welfare would have no income!. the people on ssi would have no income!. and as Americas working poor we would have no income!. not now or in the future!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The human race would die out within a year!. We would all starve to death!.
Rich or poor, farmer or hunter, you still have to work for what you eat!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

the world would cease to exist!. even if machines were to do all the work for us, there would still be people working to maintain them!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i wouldn't think so, the rich are only rich when society is runningWww@QuestionHome@Com