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Position:Home>Philosophy> Is there only one logic?

Question: Is there only one logic!?
or can two people use two different types of logic and come up with two equally valid responses!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
This is a hot debated topic in philosophy of logic!. I do not have a very thorough opinion in the matter, but it seems that there are plenty of logics that dissent in relevant ways between each of them, and still seem to capture some important feature of common sense reasoning!.

As a meta-theory according to which asses some important (even methodological) discussions in philosophy, logic, math, AI and science, I kind of feel that we just have ONE BASIC logic; that logic respecting the identity law, the excluded middle law and the no-contradiction law!.


There is only one set of rules for logic, and different people can find different and "valid" responses!.

"Valid" does not mean "sound!."
"A deductive argument is said to be valid if and only if it takes a form that makes it impossible for the premises to be true and the conclusion nevertheless to be false!. Otherwise, a deductive argument is said to be invalid!.

A deductive argument is sound if and only if it is both valid, and all of its premises are actually true!. Otherwise, a deductive argument is unsound!."

So which ones are "valid," first!? Well, understand that any statement is a conclusion of a syllogism, even if you don't think of the premisses consciously!. Syllogism are the mind's only means of making conclusions!.

See page 5 for the valid forms!.

After that, is up to reason to decide which valid statements are the sound one for the situation!. One fireman, for example, may use a technique that is not preferred by another fireman!. Why!? Because the 2nd fireman literally does not find the technique "sound," or grounded!.

2 teachers can use different techniques and still teach equally well!. The same goes for any 2 or more persons!.

When a student of Objectivism asked Ayn Rand "Whose reason should we follow!?", meaning Rand's or Aristotle's or whom ever's, Rand famously replied that the reason the student should follow is "Yours, of course!"Www@QuestionHome@Com

No not if it is the study of the principles of reasoning, especially of the structure of propositions as distinguished from their content and of method and validity in deductive reasoning!.

P!.42 - ยง3 Physical facts are fairly uniform, but truth is a living and flexible factor in the philosophy of the universe!. Evolving personalities are only partially wise and relatively true in their communications!. They can be certain only as far as their personal experience extends!. That which apparently may be wholly true in one place may be only relatively true in another segment of creation!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Logic is a set of proven rules!.
Different assumptions can lead to different conclusions,
but that's not the fault of the logic!.
"Garbage in - Garbage out"Www@QuestionHome@Com

Religion is a perfect example of what you are askingWww@QuestionHome@Com

sure watever u wanna think buddy, palWww@QuestionHome@Com