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Position:Home>Philosophy> Could World Peace Exsist Or Would It In Itself Create Conflict?

Question: Could World Peace Exsist Or Would It In Itself Create Conflict!?
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"Conflict is essential to the development and growth of mankind!. Without conflict--internal or external--there can be no growth!."--Sun TzuWww@QuestionHome@Com

It Don't Make Sense,
You Can't Make Peace
by Willie Dixon
You have made great planes to span the sky
You gave sight to the blind with another man's eyes
You even made submarines, they submerge for weeks
But it don't make sense you can't make peace
You take one man's heart and make another one live
u even go to the moon and come back thrilled
Why you can crush any country in a matter of weeks
But it don't make sense you can't make peace
You know it don't make sense- you can't make peace (3x)
When you can't make peace!.!.!.!.
You can make a transfusion that will save a life
You can change the darkness into broad daylight
You make the deaf man hear and the dumb man speak
But it don't make sense you can't make peace
You know it don't make sense- you can't make peace (3x)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Humans are born with feelings and instincts which are usually honed over the course of their life!. Some of these instincts and feelings are those of happiness, sadness, joy, love, etc!. Unfortunately, there are also the feelings of greed, jealousy, hatred, need, etc!. born into every human!. Not everyone acts upon these at all times, but it is as the saying goes 'Hate has a greater place in the heart than love'!. This means that as long as there is a little hate, the strongest love can be eclipsed!. So, as long as humans exist, we are inherently the starters of war, because we are inherently greedy, vicious people when the time calls for us to be so!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

World peace can't exist until the individuals in the world have inner peace!. This would end conflict because we would no longer see ourselves as something of this world, but rather a projection into this world!. Once that is realized, the world and conflict will cease to exist!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well if everyone was Buddhist there would be world peace and probably no conflict!. Most Buddhist countries hardly ever go to war and when they do it's only in retaliation!.
The world would however be very boring!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Unfortunately, there will always be people who want to make trouble and war, even if there was world peace!.

And some people don't even want world peace!. They want turmoil and these people would create problems!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It probably can't exist fully because it depends on the individual, there is always going to be people who want world peace and people who want to cause conflict and fight!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

When people learn to eat peppermint ice cream three times a day, then world peace will happen!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

peace starts with the individual!.Www@QuestionHome@Com