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Question: When and where will the world end!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
as far as when, only God the father knows, in his timing, many have believed all the signs are all ready there, it could be monday , are you prepared!?
as far as part 2 where !? That depends on your point of view
Revelation 21 verse 1 check it outWww@QuestionHome@Com

December 21st 2012!! The end of the Mayan calendar!. 65 years ago, the idea of the End of the World was laughable!. Where would such an end come from!? Surely no earthquake or tidal wave or volcano could be big enough to bring about the End of the World! Well, Man soon fixed that, now it's only the press of a button away!. Once Barack Obama becomes President, brings peace to the Middle East and cures all of the World's ills, he'll be labelled as the new Messiah and will be worshipped by the people throughout the World!. He will, however, betray us all and eventually bring about the End Times!. It's been foreseen in centuries old scriptures and all the signs of the end; hurricanes, earthquakes, floods, war, greed, famine, pestilence, they're all coming true with frightening accuracy and they're going to get worse!. You'd better set your alarm clock!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

end comes for each of us individually, can't see that if all at the same time, it would be any different!.

mostly thought about this when considering species extention,

the tragedy is same for each individual, and not compounded by the last of the individual also being last of species, or last of world!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

By 5,000 million years in the future, Our sun will have exhausted all of its hydrogen fuel!. It will commence using up the helium created at its core!. This will give have given off extra heat which will cause it to grow into a red giant star!. The sun will expand so much that the earth's orbit will be under its surface!. Earth will be consumed entirely, but long before the consumption takes place, the oceans will have boiled off and every living thing will have been turned to cinders a million years or more beforehand!. Don't worry!. It is all perfectly natural!.
This will all happen within the Milky Way Galaxy!. The sun will have orbited it another twenty times in the meanwhile!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Between 4!.5 billion and 5 billion years from now, when our sun swells to a red giant!. This is what 'yellow dwarf main sequence stars' like our sun do!. The sun is not massive enough to explode as a nova!. As it is about half way through its lifespan - as observed concerning other stars in various stages of their lives - we will be O,K, for a while!. The 'swelling' will take some time and all of the inner planets will be consumed!.

Where the world ends it will be where it is now - at some point in its orbit around the sun!.

However, the world will probably end for mankind much sooner! Most species seem to have a lifespan of a few million years at best!. Although dinsosaurs 'ruled the earth' for much longer than this, any one single species had its time and others took over, because of disasters, climate change, etc!. Some species like sharks and crocodiles have lasted well, however!

Humans are the first species capable of actively destroying the world in an ecological sense!. We may last for a while in increasing desperation and then fade away!. The planet will go its merry way, not caring, and perhaps the cockroaches will take over!.

Barring cosmic disasters, the end of the world physically will be a process rather than event!. As you know, some scientists are worried about meteorite impacts!. Mr Lembit Opik M!.P!. has issued warnings on near earth objects which may collide with us!. One is predicted to come close in 2028!. If this happens, we will not survive but the planet will go on!. The chances for an object large enough to destroy the planet completely are literally astronomical!

Sleep well!Www@QuestionHome@Com

december 21 2012, according to the mayans; scientists who have looked into it say that there is a real possibility that the earth is changing polarities at that time; this usually leads to catastrophic global events; so buy everything and anything you want on credit and enjoy it because you won't have to pay for it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The world has already ended as time is not linear!. But it certainly is our experience that time is linear!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

To be undetermined of course!.

For every end, theres a birth!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

On the day you die!.!.!. um, where ever it is your standing or sitting or whatever!.!.!. yup!. I mean do you really care after that!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

when: feb 31, 4089
where: 3 fee to the left of where you are now!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

the world will end when it stops,and where it will be at that timeWww@QuestionHome@Com

The world ends for someone every day!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Tonight at 10pm - Listen to the Boy Scouts; Be Prepared!Www@QuestionHome@Com

1998 years from now maybe!! or maybe even later i don't knowWww@QuestionHome@Com

Not in our lifetime!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

On Earth, when it ends!.Www@QuestionHome@Com