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Position:Home>Philosophy> Are humans just a cancer of the earth?

Question: Are humans just a cancer of the earth!?
Think about it, we use up all the resources just like the cancer cell until we finally destroy the earth!. The other animals are like the functioning cells which use what they need and don't really cause any harm!. Wouldn't this earth be a healthier better place for ALL the other animals if we were just wiped out!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Humans in general!? No!. There are plenty of tribal societies around the world that live in harmony and balance with Mother Nature!. Those societies, you might consider, have reached intellectual evolutionary dead-ends!. It is the intellect of the more "advanced" humans that plague the world!.!.!. our technology and survival skills as a species in a technological world have made us essentially untouchable!. We survive and persist because of intellect!. Its astonishing, most species evolve to attain equilibrium with nature!. Our species have evolved beyond that, to thrive until we destroy our own existence!. You could think of any intellectual, advanced civilization on the planet as a cancer!.!.!. but that doesnt include all humans!. We are almost a single living entity, a multi "cellular" organism!.!.!. replenishing its own parts, adapting to its environment!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You know thats a very good question!.

In my opinion, we don't belong here!.

The human race are not indigenous to earth; if you think about it!.

Every species on earth (excluding humans) do not rely on clothing or luxuries!.

Therefore humans are not indigenous to this planet because we are the only species on this planet that are not adaptable!.

Does a monkey need clothes!?
Does an elephant need a mansion to live in!?
How about a dolphin!? Does it need a served meal everyday!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

And what's wrong if you (critics of humanity) could invent the perfect recyclable material to help cure the cancer!? I mean man himself looks for means to rid man of this disease and not kill man in the process!. Man has a right to be here!. If you believe in evolution it has done as much!. We must have a right just as the other animals do too!.

Man is not a lemming or whale mentality!. And I agree we certainly at times behave that way at times!. But in man is also the solution to the problem!. Don't count man out yet!. The game of life for man is not over until it's over sports fan!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Get an education!. There are thousands of creatures that are harm full, if you want to use that word, to the environment in which they live!. Take the beaver for example!. They kill trees and build dams that flood thousands of acres, displacing and killing many other creatures and plants!.

All creatures change the environment in which they live to make it "home"!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

False analogy, that's what kind of logical fallacy this would be considered, if you are interested in forming a better argument in the future I would suggest that you avoid this type of logical fallacy!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

We're not supposed to be!. We're supposed to be the caretakers!. Maybe we are but the animals are just so chaotic! We are a little more ordered than that!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No!. If people don't use the resources, what purpose will they serve!? Will Andean llamas use Chilean copper!? Will bears or badgers use Mesabi range iron ore!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

That type of thinking is what we call Eco-Naziism!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes, we are!. We don't know to care of out planet!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

not allWww@QuestionHome@Com

The real problem we are causing is global warming, I have always been a big fan of green energy!. If I ever had the money I would create enough windmills and giant solar panels in big deserts to rid our dependence on foreign oil (for more than one reason)!. But we are not a cancer!. The Earth is not an organism, more like a place for organisms to live!. You are insane if you think we should be wiped out!. Besides, in 1000 years when a commit does come this way that would otherwise wipe out all life on earth, we will be the ones to fix the situation!.

The problem is not the Earth dying, it was never alive!. The problem is that the Earth could become uninhabitable!. You can't put the lives of animals higher than the lives of ourselves, especially if you are religious!. We have created an environment that we can become comfortable in!. It benefits us to have roads!.

The big question is not are we a cancer, shouldn't animals be here without us!? the question is WHO CARES ABOUT THE ANIMALS, WE ARE OBVIOUSLY MORE IMPORTANT THAN THEM, plus, we are insignificant in comparison to the rest of the Universe!. In case you didn't know, IT'S HUGE!. By the way, Im not some right wing asshole who doesn't give a **** about the Earth, I just don't think we should be wiped out for animals!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i'm not exactly sure!.!.!. have you seen this!?


animals do use other animals, they do kill each other, like people kill each other, like people kill other animals, as in the video animals have their own sort of wars with each other (they even exact revenge [the buffalo]) over what they need/want, which is food!. if you think about it food is like an animals money- it means survival- they desire it, they kill for it, they seek it and need it, they just don't collect a surplus of it for spending!. idky humans created money but the reason it is so desired is because first and foremost it gets you food for survival and just plain ol survival means happiness, the luxuries it can get you are just a good bonus that we don't really think about because we've made having luxuries is so commonplace!. animals also make toxins!.!.!.!. haven't you heard that cow flatulence releases methane gas which is a worse greenhouse gas then carbon dioxide (which is what humans mainly produce)
i do agree that on some level we are abusing the earth, using up oil for global warming and nuclear waste, but like many things in nature it will find a way to balance it out and ultimately it will be our own demise that we create!. The only thing that can really destroy the earth is when the sun goes out or if we ran out of water!.
without humans here i doubt the animal kingdom would care as we've separated ourselves from it!. our disappearance wouldn't have much of an effect on the planet as it would still age and involuntarily move towards being more chaotic (as everything in nature seems to do)!.Www@QuestionHome@Com