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Question: Breaking Dawn!.!.!.!?
When you loved the one who was killing you,it left you no options!.How could you run,how could you fight,when doing so would hurt that beloved one!?If your life was all you had to give your beloved,how could you not give it!?
If it was someone you truly loved!.

"Don't be afraid,"I murmured!.

"We belong together!."

I was abruptly overwhelmed by the truth of my own words!.

This moment was so perfect,so right,

there was no way to doubt it!.

His arms wrapped around me,

holding me against him!.!.!.

It felt like every nerve ending in my body was a live wire!.

"Forever," he agreed!.

I defiantly know either Jacob or Edward will die!.Just like Harry Potter,Voldemort and Harry couldn't both live!.And I wonder who Bella was talking to up there!.Gosh,I can't wait!.So tell me who you think will die--or which team you are on,Team Edward or Team Jacob!?Team Edward is me all the way!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
There's no way she'd kill Edward or have Bella change her mind and choose Jacob!. That would just NOT please the fans!.

If Jacob were to imprint on someone else, I don't think either would have to die!.
It's just not believable that Bella would choose Jacob over Edward; therefore I think she could only have been talking about Edward in the preface where she called him her "beloved"!.
What confuses me is that she says "How can you run, how can you fight"!. Because I assumed that inthe preface Bella was talking about Edward "killing" her by turning her into a vampire!. But why would she WANT to fight or run from that!? also she talks as though she doesn't want whatever is about to happen to happen and that the only person who does want it is her "beloved"!. But that doesn't fit with the vampire thing, which Bella does want!.!.
But maybe Steph's just trying to mislead us and she really is just being turned into a vampire after all!. I think Stephenie purposely made it so we're unsure whether Bella's talking about Jacob or Edward in both scenes, just to make us panic!. But at the end of Eclipse it seemed so final and I was sure Bella would be more moved on from Jacob in Breaking Dawn!. Oh, I'm so not sure of anything anymore! =SWww@QuestionHome@Com

Perhaps that love is strong enough to knock some senses into the person to recognize that to love an abusive person, one must learn to let go!.

People talk about love as if it is a one sided decision, but forget that love also needed to be acknowledged, nourished, protected and respected!. Otherwise it is all but a meaningless lost cause!.

Love changes, it could be lost and forgotten and abused!.
When one became aware of those results, the priority of protecting the source of that love could be exercised!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You have described the fate of the lover!. That's exactly what happens to the one who loves!. The first time I got married I was the lover and my beloved almost killed me!. The second time I flipped the coin and found out
I was the beloved!. My lover almost died!. I don't even know if she still lives!. If you can't be the beloved, believe me, it's not worthy to love!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

nobody is gonna die
edward is not gonna die becoz hes gonna be in the spinoff!. i know that for a fact
and she is not gonna kill edward!. like harry potter, it's gonna be a happy ending

and btw, in HP, it was a good thing volde died!. duhWww@QuestionHome@Com

I'm team Edward!. all the way! and i don't think anyone will die, at least i hope not, but it most definately won't be Edward!. there would be too many people trying to kill Stephenie Meyer if she wrote that!.Www@QuestionHome@Com