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Position:Home>Philosophy> Why is money so important?

Question: Why is money so important!?
How worth it is it to be rich!? What is it going to give you after the glamour and extravagance!? What is it going to give you after you die!.!.!.!?
What about all the people that need it!? If every celebrity, every millionaire and billionaire out there thought about these people in real need, would there be a difference!? I am amazed with peopleā€²s cold hearts!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Money is simply a measure of the worth or societiy's value placed on labor, property and intellectual, physical and other abilities!.

How worth it is it to be rich!?

Different people and societies have differing ways of measuring what is rich!. To a billionaire a mere millionaire can appear to be a pauper!. Someone living in an impoverished nation will look at someone in the developed world that simply has the most basic of food and shelter and they would deem them to be rich!.

What is it going to give you after the glamour and extravagance!? What is it going to give you after you die!.!.!.!?
Not all rich people live in glamour and extravagance!. But you are right money is only for the here and now, after you are gone it does not matter!.

What about all the people that need it!?
If you keep in mind what money measures then there are various reasons people do not have it!. In ancient times if you were poor at raising crops or livestock you were in the equivalent position of not having money!. If you were lazy, you were "poor"!. If natural disaster or disease struck you could end up poor!. In some cases friends, family and neighbors shared if they had extra, in some cases they may not have shared!. Today it is the same way!.

If every celebrity, every millionaire and billionaire out there thought about these people in real need, would there be a difference!?
I agree more of the wealthy could make a difference!. My first concern is that there appears to me to be some inequity in the way society values some things!. Are some of the professional athletes really worth that much!. Do those top corporate executives really deserve several million dollars per year in salary and then maybe millions more in bonuses, stock options, etc!. In both of these cases there has been an increase in the MULTIPLE of the average person's earnings!.

The second concern is that the wealthy often give a smaller percentage of their income to charity than those who make smaller amounts!.

Having said that I have concerns the methods we use for redistribution of wealth with our taxing structure in the U!.S!. We have some challenges both on who gets taxed the most and who gets the benefits, Note - when they say tax the rich, the usual impact is hardest on the upper middle class!. On the distribution side they often reward the wrong people and actually give a disincentive to some to try to better themselves - and I have two perfect examples of this - one in my family and one very close friend!. It would take pages to explain the situation but both of them have been told that if they quit working they can get low rent, social security disability, food stamps and medicaid and both of them used to get some or all of that but now they are working just enough and making just enough to not qualify for any of that!. In my family the individual has been certified as disabled but does not want to be idle!. So he works part time and ends up with too much money to qualify for anything but not enough to live on!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Cold Heart , DON'T BE AMAZED !!.!!.!

You have just, described the quintessential part of HUMANITY!.

All for One, and One for All - Is an excert from the book 'The 3 Muskateers' which was a fantisy novel, and FANTASY it is!.

The majority of 'Mankind', operates on the basis of "Self Preservation"!.

We are Animals, admittedly with a certain amount of Intelligence!. Although, within the Politics of Burma, Indonesia, rthe USA, the UK, Australia and Russia!.

That 'Intelligence', doesn't comprehend "Fair Play, Reason or Tact"Www@QuestionHome@Com

Lately, I'm just worried about feeding my family!.!.!.I teach, but my hubby is unemployed, the landlord just raised the rent and with food prices and gas going through the roof, we will have to move this summer to a smaller place!. GGRRR, yes, money is important!. I don't care if I'm a millionaire, I just want enough to survive!. I get so mad when I hear about so called "humanitarians" like Brad and Angelina buying that multi-million dollar castle on top of their 4 other houses!. I teach handicapped kids, why don't they give one of those houses to me!Www@QuestionHome@Com

currency is the replacement of labor!.
if you grow your own or hunt your own food then you have no need to use currency to buy it!.
if you live where no one demands payment for your stay then you have no need for currency
if you can provide for your self every thing necessary to survive by your own labor and effort then you have no need for currency!.
if you can not, then you must pay someone else to do it!.
Currency is the replacement of labor!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Money is a tool to get what you want!.
The rich man thinks not of death!.
There will always be people that feel they need than they have!.
The rich man is rich precisely because he does not give away what is his!.
A miser's heart is made of the very metal he cherishes and is just as cold!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Having a cold heart is one of the characteristics of a typical Human Being!. Having money is vital, bcs without it, u'll suffer!!!!! You can only help others wen u're in an excellent financial capacity!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It is symbolic of the power and what one is free to do with it that others without money can not do!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The richest man who ever lived was Solomon!. (For his time!.) Read Ecclesiastes!. It says it all, and really puts it in perspective!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Money makes the world go round!. That is simply the way it is!.Www@QuestionHome@Com