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Position:Home>Philosophy> Why do we live as if we'll definately be here tomorow?

Question: Why do we live as if we'll definately be here tomorow!?
It bothers me!. We'll leave arguments unsettled!. We hold grudges!. We'll be too afraid to talk, speak up or scream what we know and stand for what we believe in!. We'll have lazy days, saying, "Oh, I'll get this done tomorow!." But what if there isn't a tomorow!? Anyone could not wake up from sleep!. A meteor could hit us, a murderer could break in and smother us to death!.
So why take life so loosely!? Why live as if you don't even care about life!? What the heck is wrong with us!?
Who knows, I might forget about all of this tonight!. I could disregard it and get on with my life!. But for now, I'm thinking about it!. Maybe a little too much!.
Does anyone else realize things like this!? Why are we so scared to life, so ignorant of death!? Why are these things so easy to forget about as we go about our daily lives!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Well said kid!.

2 words

It means:

Remember you will die!.

I love this quote!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Because there is a higher chance that we will live tomorrow!.It would be different if we lived in ww3, or in fear that we might not live to tomorrow!.but in the U!.S!. we think the government will protect us from harm!. but one day, every one who is not prepared will just disappear, and there will be only us to create a new government,a better one that will not allow it to happen again!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i totally agree and i always try to live everyday as if it was my last!. thats how everyone should be living it becuase u dont know if u'll b here 2morrow or not!. only god knows! I think people just take life for granted and dont even want to think that maybe its their last day on earth!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

becuase we are idiots and we dont know any better and we are humans so we are so proud and "smart" that we think all the world revolves sround us!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Even mortality gets boring!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

two things:

in an overall maybe "philosophic-scientific" point of view: because life is like that, the goal of life is just exist, there is no matter to it if some individuals die, there are more and they reproduce themselves!.

Now, as people we are in this modern word: we aren't always motivated to live as if it was the last day, because the possibilities that we have to die if we aren't waiting for death are so low that we see it as near impossible (that is in some way wright), life is bored, but is also fun, ITS EVERYTHING because is all that we, living creatures, have in this universe, and as humans is normal that we should construct our lives very slowly and reaching our goals step by step!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

We can do something in an instant that will give us heartache for a lifetime!. So always leave loved ones with kind words!.!.!.they could be your last!.
I know we could loose it all in an instant!.!.!.but I've found I can go a lot further than I though I could!. And it's taken quite along time to become the person I am!. Not perfect!.!.!.but not ashamed!.
I strive on to live as fully as I should, trying to understand my life as I go!.!.!.so perhaps when death does come, hopefully I'll be finished and accept it in peace!. But no one knows!.!.!.so don't feel alone in you uncertainty my friend!. Seasons don't fear the reaper!.Www@QuestionHome@Com