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Position:Home>Philosophy> Why do men want to keep the women they dont care about in the house while they r

Question: Why do men want to keep the women they dont care about in the house while they run the streets!?
me and my 2 lady friends all have cheating ex boyfriends, we were sharing stories and found out all the cheating men wanted us to stay home and take care of kids while they stay gone all night!.!.!.!.why won't the men just let the women be freeWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Because the selfish bastards want a comfortable cozy home to come back to after they cheat!. And a loving woman who will always take them back!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

My dad (unfortunately) is like that!. Whenever he sees mom (|who RARELY - like once a year) goes out of the house coz she prefers being home anyway - when she goes out of the house, he stays at home, when she gets home he has a go at her!. The thing is, he's out of the house 24 hrs a day (literally - no lie) and 7 days a week!. He comes home from work at 1:00 am, and goes to work at 8:00 am in the morning!. When he gets home he watches TV and does nothing more!. The kids (me, 3 sisters and 1 bro) stay at home after school doing nothing - BORING) and basically, psychologically, I think he does this - all men in general do this coz they like that level of control over their family lives!. They have affairs, thinking they can't be found out - and that massages their ego so that they control their home lives as well!. At least, that's how I see it!.
Mom has been married to dad for 17 odd years (she married when she was 15, had me when she was 16) and she wouldn;t dream of leaving him!. Goes to show that love (she may deny it but she does love him) is a very strange thing!!!
Don't worry people, it hasn't affected our mental balances lol!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Probably low self esteem and self-confidence!. They are so afraid they are going to or even might stand a chance of losing you they don't want you to even get out!. Women often think this is love when it's the opposite!. Believe me, I've seen this situation so many times it's unbelievable!. Unless you do something to get out of the situation or change things where you're equal, you might as well get a new HDTV and enjoy your life in the house!. That's the reality of that situation!. Sorry to say!. It's your life!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!. do with it as you wish!. You have get one chance at it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I have never been with a man like that!. I just answered another question that leads logically into this one!. The question was about being nonjudgmental in love!. When you seek a partner the first thing you do is judge them!. You have to judge them to understand them at all anyway, whether the end result be love or just to know them!. We have all been taught that it is wrong to judge people!. In the end this is what we get!. We love people, through lust, and fail to make judgments on their character and behavior and it basically gives those people a blank check, to do or be whatever they want!. After all, don't they just have to say!.!.!."Don't judge me!."

When I meet people I judge them many ways and in the process I seek things to celebrate, things in them that I judge and find to be beautiful, honorable, etc!. It's through my judgements of people that I find love and appreciation for them!. Tolerance for other's faults and vices is one thing, but handing someone a blank check is another!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

That is a fun question as it has a fun answer!.!.!. Duh, those aren't men, those are boys you have!.!.

Real men do infact want to have free time and no duties, however that doesn't mean they want to or actual go out and go Awal or M!.I!.A!. so, that sets the boundry!. I think its a secruity issue, egoism!. I'm not sure why it isn't the other way around, but most likely because todays standards, a bangs 50 chicks n he is a pimp in the eyes of idiots, and a chick bangs 50 guys and she is a whore!. So the point is idk!. Lol!.

Go out have fun forget the kids and hubbie!.!. Teach his *** a lesson!. Please (this includes your friends) don't slash holes in his tires or your, or break stuff, thats just plane stupid!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

those type of guys are using you as a mother figure cooking cleaning up after them and if you there at the house there things are most likly safe turn the table you go out and make him stay home you deseve that it dosent sound like you paln to split up so dont let hime stay at the top of thr hill all the time push him dowm and say wait your turnWww@QuestionHome@Com

it's called free will lady!. You can leave ant anytime!. You can be free whenever you like!. You're just scared because you think you can't get another man!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don't know anyone like you described!. You might want to ask yourself why you and your friends are attracting such people into your lives!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

exacly!.!.!.!.!. i agree to wat pour sum sugar on me saidWww@QuestionHome@Com

Please don't generalize!. I am a guy and would never betray my gf or treat her bad!.Www@QuestionHome@Com