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Position:Home>Philosophy> When will you realise Philosophy is just an absurd little game with no relevance

Question: When will you realise Philosophy is just an absurd little game with no relevance to Reality whatsoever!?
Except to your overweening egos of course!Www@QuestionHome@Com

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what is Reality!?

How is discussing our reality not relevant to reality!?

What has philosophy done to you!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Oh really, do you know why the highest degree in University is called PhD, which is Latin for Doctor of Philosophy!? All sciences sprang from philosophy because it promoted the power of reason!.

Even science uses philosophy to a certain extent!. Thought experiments conducted by theoretical physicists for instance!.

Hmmm, gee, Greek philosophy has contributed to nothing real, it was just all a game, I wonder where Pythagoras' theorem came from!.!.!.oh wait, he was from a Philosopher called Pythagoras! This theorem is very much real in the world of science and thus in reality!.

Do you even know what reality is!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

To philosphise is to consider reality!. I'm not sure how you can say it bears no relevance!. Any outlook on life can be considered a 'philosophy', even your 'anti-philosophical' point of view!!!

I do understand that at times, the academic approach to philosophy can be a little overbearing and perhaps appear arrogant!.!.!.!.but if you try to remember what philosophy really is then you might just find it more tolerable as a concept!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

philosophy is the love of knowledge and therefore the actual pursuit of knowledge and understanding is philosophy!. yes language is a major part of our understanding as it is our only tool to communicate our ideas but is necessary in order to understand even the most basic of things!. if you rubish philosophy you rubbish every science and all collective understandings and ethical codes and do you really want to do that!. all though not all questions can be conclusivly answered the debate and personal understandings will influence the individual and thus it has relevance to reality as it forms an indiviiduals blik!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

different realities!.!.!.
tribes just found in south america have no idea of the reality of where i live!.!.!.!.and i have no idea of theirs

we can philosophise on who has the better life though!.!.!.

else how do we learn without different ideas!.!.!.

"philo, love; sophia, knowing knowlegde, wisdom: the science of pursuit, of obtaining, evoking knowledge, some essntial entity of the mental or physical universe, the quest for wisdom!."

It is form of the two words ‘Phil’ and ‘Sophia’ and they convey the idea of love and wisdom respectively!. So the person who loves to imbue wisdom in himself with his thinking can be considered as the student of philosophy!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I suppose I will never realize that, because Philosophy is man's attempt to understand reality, or as much of it as possible given our limitations!. To be a philosopher, all one needs to do is wonder about things, and the ability to wonder is innate!. More than answer questions, philosophy poses them!. You may be right that that is a game, but being who/what we are by nature, we cannot help playing it!. That makes it relevant to our existence!. I suggest you read the novel Sophie's World by Jostein Gaarder, written in 1991 It presents the history of Western philosophical thought in a very readable way!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

People think there's something to it, because of philosophers like Socretes and the German ones!. I think these people like masterbaiting with their brains, and I bet they just love puzzles!. Perhaps it's the brainiacs nerdish way to have fun!. They certainly aren't going to find Truth, but I guess they get a little rush when they think they hit on something!. That's what would happen when I hung out with a few in coffee shops!. The emotion is a weak feeling of inspiration and discovery, but not much!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

When you realise that what you percieve to be the 'real world' is insignificant and boring!. Some people want to do more in their lives than go to school, get a job, get married and die!. Philosophy is one such way of escaping this mindless and pointless existance!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Reality!? That has to do with metaphysics, just one branch of philosophy!.
Within it is sometimes wiser to remove oneself from reality to truly gauge it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No!. Philosophy in the terms of defending our judgements is something we have to do, whether we like it or not!. so it's a good idea to learn how to do it properly!. Otherwise you will be at the mercy of people talking c!.rap!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

To my mind philosophy is about thinking; that is never irrelevant!. And who is to say what constitutes as reality or fantasy!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

If Philosophy were as you believe, Philosophers would not be so restless even up to suicide for not being able to reach Catharsis!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It can be, with idiocy like "how do I know that I exist", but it doesn't have to be!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

when philosopy stops basing its questions on life's realities!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Maybe you should tell us when you realised that fact for yourself!. And then forgive us!.!.!.!.and go back to enjoying reality!.Www@QuestionHome@Com