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Position:Home>Philosophy> Why are you living your life ?

Question: Why are you living your life !?
Do you have everything that you ever wanted or are you still waited for that something !?


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Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
this is a great questionWww@QuestionHome@Com

First, I didn't choose to be here!. God wanted me here (and everyone is created with purpose), and my parents decided life instead of abortion!. What do you really mean by the question--"what are you living for" maybe!? I want to say I'm living for God, but I'm more selfish than God-centered!. That area of my life needs work!. It's too easy to fall into self mode and is something I need to keep in check!. No, I certainly don't have everything I want!. I finally realized what my purpose is!. My financial situation is less than desirable!. When I can afford insurance then I can start the training I need for my short-term goal!. I want to continue my education and earn the degrees I need to fulfill my long-term goal!. I choose to live life on purpose!. I have enough regrets!. Now it's time to move forward and make choices I can live with!. Hopefully I won't be collecting any more regrets!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well, I think that this may be the most interesting question I've seen on here!.
First of all, No, I don't have everything - yet!.
I still believe that there is a reason for everything!. Truth is that I'm living my life because I'm waiting to see what will happen next!. I'm not just sitting around waiting tho, I'm working on changing my life - daily!. It's fun!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

life is a thing that is lacking of many things and also containing plenty!.there wud b no reason to liv if there wud b no dreams of getting somthing!.if we had everything,we wud be changed completely like the families wud b dispersed,every1 wud b livin for one's own perpose,the world wud hav been notin less than a hell!so,living life is hard and at the same time the hope of getting somthing important to us keeps our lives bright and gives us hope to continue livin!.
take care and i gave u a star as you askd!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Im living my life because death doesnt sound to appealing to me!.!.its most likely dark,empty,silent nothingness!.!.plus life is good but even if it wasnt theres no such thing as setting too many goals in life to make your life better!. point in life is to live it,enjoy it and make the best of it!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

well, bcs God brought me in to live it!. not like its so interesting, considering d fact that i havn't accomplished anything at age 30!. cant commit suicide - would love to though - bcs, wat else am i doing around!.i'll go straight to hell if i do, so i wont take that option!. anyway, so i just have 2 keep living it up!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'm living my life because I don't really feel that I have any other option!. Suicide isn't viable for me!. I'll live until I don't!. I have most of what I need in life, except companionship!. I'm still waiting for that but I hope one day soon that will be fulfilled too!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well truthfully i am living my life for a special little boy who i love so much who us my son!.Without him i would of been dead and gone long ago!.I never will be really happy but he does make my heart smile a lot!.I wish i had more to give him' but love is all i can offer !.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If I had everything I wanted, then I'd have nothing else to live for!. I'd rather have things that I'm aiming to accomplish!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i just have to!.!.if i kill my self i don't know whats gonna happen!. maybe i'll just die, maybe i'll go to hell, maybe i'll find out that humans were acctually stuff created by aliens & etc!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I am clueless about it, i hope some time I get a clue!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Because I can't live my death, can I!?

I think I'm still waiting for something!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Im still waiting for my "other half" I havent found him yet
lol :)Www@QuestionHome@Com