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Position:Home>Philosophy> Do people choose to be poor ?

Question: Do people choose to be poor !?
Or is there no another way that they can lead a normal life !.!.!.!. i mean if these people are not disabled than they can find some work to make a living !.!.!.!. is it that they choose to be poor !?

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no your falseWww@QuestionHome@Com

In certain religions there are members of the church that are supposed to be poor!. Like priests in Christianity!. They are supposed to be poor!. Disabled people (more so mentally, but some physically) don't always have a lot of choice!. Normal people and poor people who have at least average intelligence have the option of going to college and paying off loans afterwards to make a significantly larger amount, but some don't have the access that most people have, and therefore have no choice!. So it depends on the situation, but very few people other than priests (and any other religious person who is supposed to be poor) choose to be poor!. I'm assuming that you are the antithesis of poor if you're asking this question, and if I'm right about that you're probably also a republican right!? There is no problem with that, you just don't understand the thinking of poor people!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Ah!.!.!. interesting question! It depends on what meaning you assign to the word poor!. If you mean poor in material terms, I think the majority of people who live in poverty would choose something else!. Unfortunately, so many do not have a choice!.

But, if you mean poor in other ways, such as spiritually poor, emotionally poor, etc!., that's debatable!. If someone is well-off in a physical or material sense, but they are miserable and sad, they could be considered poor!. If someone lived in poverty but was rich because they enjoyed life, they could be considered wealthy!.

I believe that some personality traits have a genetic component, but I also believe that we have the ability to choose our attitudes and ways of interpreting what is around us!. So, I guess the answer to the question is both yes and no!. We are fortunate indeed if we have wealth in more than one aspect of life!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Although the type of job contributes to one's "poverty," I wouldn't say that it's the sole reason for why one is poor!. There are uncontrollable factors that contribute!.

Take for example a woman named Ruth!. She's in her 50s and has three teenage children!. Her husband passed away from a very exhausting and expensive battle with cancer!. Although they were never "rich," Ruth's husband had a well-paying job that had covered all expenses and made it so that Ruth never had to work!.

Due to the medical bills that the family racked up in trying to "save" Ruth's husband, Ruth had to get a job (with no work experience) and has been paying nearly 50% of her small (minimum wage) paycheck towards the high medical expenses!. In addition, due to the lack of money they had since Ruth's husband's death, the family was forced to eat cheaper, less-healthy food!. They have cancelled their medical insurance as they cannot afford to pay the premium!. And the increasing economic strain is causing them extra stress in life!. Due to the extra stress, poor diet, and lack of time to exercise from holding long hours at her minimum-wage job, she is now experiencing hypertension and is borderline for diabetes!. Her children have developed poor habits and are frequently in trouble at school!. Ruth finds herself needing to take off work to "bail out" her children from when they are in trouble, which increases financial strain!.!.!.

Do you see how the cycle of poverty is perpetuated!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Many people make choices that affect what happens in their life!. It's just that many of the effects of those choices are not clear to the chooser!. Even when told, many don't choose to believe or think that they can cheat fate!. One example would be a teenager who doesn't do all his/her homework thus receiving a poorer grade!. By not having a major impact on their imediate lives, they think that it's ok to do it again!. Many poor grades later, they don't get into college, less choice of a career, less money!.
Some choices are not as obvious as that, nor the effects!. And there is the fact that bad things happen that are in no way under our control!. Illness, company downsizing causing loss of job, war, crime!. accidents!. There are times when a combination of the two are at fault!. What one person does may not have bad effects but combined with some other cercumstance, will be devastating!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No!.People always choose jobs that pay well so that they will not be poor!.
Exception are a few people, who choose to do a poorly paid job because they have strong interest and passion in this job!.
It also depend on the job market in the country!. If there are not enough jobs, people will be jobless and poor!.
There are also some people who have mental problem that make it difficult for them to hold on to a job!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Most don't!.!.!. I mean who would !? However some indirectly do make some stupid choices that cause them to be poor, but it is not like they went " yeah I feel like being poor"!.

Anyways though most poor people don't have much of a choice in their status!. They may have someone related to them that did have the choice, for example a father who is a lazy bum that his fault, but his children they couldn't help what happened!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i think it goes both way!. some people are born into poverty and have no choice!. it is hard to get something out of nothing!. but there are others who had opportunities in life but failed to go after them so they made themselves poor!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Hell no!.
But we hate working for money!.
We love our sleep time, our take it easy time!. our leisure, our pleasure!.

Work is a bore!. But only work will make us rich!.

SO we are mostly poor!.
Why!? too much work to get rich!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

People literally live and die by the choices they make!. While the poor definitely choose not to be poor, the choices they do make, makes them poor!. A rich man can be impoverished by poor choices!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Outside of religious people who take vows of poverty, most people are born into poverty and cannot escape it!.

Harleigh Kyson Jr!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The rich do not want the common to have money nor power!. The schools do not teach about neither!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i think the answer would be how do these people see themselves whats there mission in life!. because there is alot of rags to riches stories all over the place!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You have a lot to learn about life!. No, people do not chose to be poor!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Monks!. They were regular people, then they choose to be monks who have beg for foodWww@QuestionHome@Com

Watch Office Space and decide for yourself!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

some doWww@QuestionHome@Com