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Position:Home>Philosophy> How do you make the most of your life ?

Question: How do you make the most of your life !?
This is a topic which everybody says but i really dont understand how !?!?!?

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Thanks all !!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
stay in the present dont think about the past or the future

becoz the future is not guaranteedWww@QuestionHome@Com

I don't just hand out stars, and I didn't because you asked!. I would have anyway because it's the type of question I like!. It's one that challenges people to think!.

Start with what you like!. What makes you happy!? What do you value!? How do you spend your time!? Do you have goals!? If so, are you working toward them!? Do you enjoy your job, or is it just a paycheck!?

Tips for making the most of your life:
-Set priorities!.
-Set goals and work toward fulfilling them!.
-Value yourself!. If your self esteem needs repair, work on it!.
-Balance work, family obligations, priorities, and "me time!." Sometimes you need to schedule blocks of time just for you, mini vacations from everything else to do something you enjoy!.
-Religious beliefs
-If you don't love/enjoy your career, find one that suits you!. This might sound corny, but the more you know about yourself the more fulfilled you can feel!. Your personality type can lead you to a job that's right for you!. http://www!.humanmetrics!.com/cgi-win/JTyp!.!.!.
-Make it a point every day to observe the world around you (nature, other people's happiness), to enjoy the little things (smelling flowers, listening to children laugh), and being thankful for the things you take for granted (surviving another day, not arguing with that annoying coworker)!.
-Invite others to enjoy the things you enjoy doing and share moments of happiness!.
-Your life matters!. Live it to the best of your ability and aim to have few regrets!. How you make the most of your life is up to you, but I hope these tips help!. God bless!. :o)

Who you are matters in the grand scheme of things!. Whether they show their appreciation or not, someone is being affected by you (even if they're negatively affected they can make better choices because of it)!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

#1!. Don't be afraid!. #2!. If You have to "open your mouth", do it asking a Question!. #3!. The BEST Angle at which to approach ANY problem- is the "Try- Angle"!. #4!. Always Listen BETWEEN the Words, for there's usually MORE to what's being Said- than meets the Ear!. #5!. NO Detail is too small to notice!. #6 CARE as though someone's Life was at Stake!. You Never know otherwise!.!.!. #7!. Live the "Moment"; it's the ONLY one You'll ever HAVE!.!.!. #8!. Keep in touch with Your SELF by being ALONE once in awhile!. That way you'll ALWAYS have a "Friend"!. #9!. Do Something for Nothing- on occasion!.!.!.-You'll end up "better off!." #10!. Never judge, assume, or think You "know better" than someone Else!. And FINALLY; #11!. If You ever need a "Reason" for Something, ask "Why Not!?" Because Ultimately- that's the BEST "Answer" that God can give Us!.!.!. :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Thinking ability to work out what you really want,then strive for that goal eg!. education from high school to UNi - degree or trade certificate for a well paid job!. Marry have kids,save for a home have a family,these are normal things that people universally aspire to !?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Everyday must birth a new thought, bring forth a new vision, kindle a dream anew!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Knowing what you want and making it the dominant thought!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Don't worry about what other people think!.
You'll have the time of your life!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

by living everyday like it's your lastWww@QuestionHome@Com

be true to yourself (providing it's legal)Www@QuestionHome@Com