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Question: A Question about Natural Skills/abilities and Virtues!?
We know for sure that everyone that exist today holds some sort of skill that their naturally born with; unfortunately these natural born skills sometimes are left unnoticed!.

How do we find and unleash our natural abilities to put them in use!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
"The unexamined life is not worth living" -Socrates

In finding out what our natural abilities are, self examination is vital!. When finding out what do with them after we discover what they are, once again self examination is important!.

In self examination, it is important to evaluate motive and intent!. Motives oftentimes can be a determinant factor in deciding whether or not an individual's natural skill goes unnoticed!. This is because a motive determines what the person has decided to use their natural gift for thus giving them the option to use it to gain public recognition or not!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think they are often unnoticed but I don't think this means that they aren't being used!. Sometimes, our skill can be something that we do on a regular basis but it's so natural for us we don't even realize we're doing it!. I think a lot of times we focus on skills that are attractive to us so we blind ourselves to the skills we have!.

At least I'm hoping this is the case, cause I was just wondering this today!. I tend to be fairly intuitive, not psychic or anything but I can figure things out with very little information!. I don't know if this is my skill but it's something lolWww@QuestionHome@Com

We do not have natural skills, skill is something that must be conditioned, we may have attributes that would give us an advantage in the pursuit of conditioning a particular skill but I will not concede that it follows that we are born with skills!.
As far as virtues we are born with the ability to reason we as humans have a natural capacity of rational thought!.
As for finding what skills we will have based upon what natural attributes we posses, well lets just say that it would be difficult to say without first identifying something more specific and further I believe that most of us are self-aware enough that we would be able to provide the details that would further the debate!.
So I would have to ask what would you say are some of your natural attributes!?
If you will answer this then I will give my humble advice on what particular skills I believe would be most applicable to the attributes you posses!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

"We know for sure that everyone that exist today holds some sort of skill that their naturally born with!."


All I know is, when I decide to do something or get something!.
Ive got to make a painstaking review of that matter, so as I can ascertain, precisely what is involved, and!.

Thereby, ascertain what precsely is involved, what it costs-in money, labour, study, planning and my own ability, and who is involved and ascertain!. What the likelihood of a positive outcome will be!.
Then proceed, to accomplish task or resign task from target!.

Anyone, who attempts a task wthout adequate planning and preperation had better get used to being a Failure!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

This comes back to the first rule of philosophy according to Socrates, know thyself!.

And the way to begin doing that is to observe oneself, without judgment!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Devise tests in school early on to test mental and physical ability !.Www@QuestionHome@Com