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Position:Home>Philosophy> Tis' the winter of our discontent?

Question: Tis' the winter of our discontent!?
What is discontent!?


As always I ask this with Metta/Loving Kindness
(((((May All Be Love)))))
Thank-you for answeringWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Naw, it's springtime and summer is just around the corner!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Discontent= Being confined
Not being able to do what you want to do because others condemn you!.
Not having enough money to do or go where you want to!.
Having to conform to the small-mindedness of those around you!.
Wanting to express yourself, love many, feel free, but holding back for fear of judgement!.
I answer this not with metta but honestyWww@QuestionHome@Com


dis·con·tent [dìsk?n tént]
n (plural dis·con·tents)
1!. dissatisfied unhappiness: unhappiness or dissatisfaction
2!. restless longing for better things: a restless desire for something better (literary)
3!. somebody who is discontented: somebody who is dissatisfied and unhappy with a situation (literary or formal)

See discontentedWww@QuestionHome@Com

discontent-a feeling of not being satisfied and of wanting something different; dissatisfaction!.Www@QuestionHome@Com