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Position:Home>Philosophy> Violence....?

Question: Violence!.!.!.!.!?
I don't understand where violence comes from!? Why are some people volatile and violent!? Why do some people blow up and explode with rage!? Why are some people SO angry!? Why do people lose their temper!? Is it ever acceptable!? Does it serve any useful purpose!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

(ANS) No!.1 Anger & Rage ( the precursor to violent actions) & feelings of frustration and feelings of powerless-ness are in built into human beings, these kinds of feelings & reactions come from our evolutionary past, from our Primate ancestors!.

No!.2 Human beings it is easily forgotten are just Animals !! OK!! clever & sophisticated animals but we still have our primitive animal survival instincts built into us!.

No!.3 Anger, Rage & Feelings of utter frustration with life, feelings of helpless-ness or powerless-ness are VERY intense emotions!. Anger can be a force for good though, a force that gets people to take notice, anger can be like a good kick up the backside to have others take action, can even win you respect in some situations!. Anger isn't ALL bad!. YES! Anger can be destructive too though thats also true!.

No!.4 Violence occurs when anger, or rage or frustrations spill over a critical limit, when a line of self control has been passed!. No! I don't think physical violence is ever acceptable, or is only justified in very rare & exceptional situations like being bullied or when physical violence is the only way out!.

No!.5 Some people have extremely short fuses and can explode at the smallest thing, this is generally because their personal anger is close to the surface!. For others ANY show of real anger is extremely difficult & even scary for them!.

No!.6 YES! Anger can be healthy when expressed cleanly with utter honesty, but anger can also be destructive & wounding, can be nasty and awful!. It depends entirely on how feelings of anger are handled!.

No!.7 YES! Anger always seems to have some sort of purpose or meaning!.

No!.8 But violence demeans us, reduces our true humanity!. Violence reduces us to our lowest primitive level!.


Those are important questions!.

I don't have the answer!. However, in my "guess estimation',
it's a learned behavior!. Have you ever noticed that it is
much more prevalent in groups!? Why is that!?
Is it because people are less afraid of retribution!? Or do
people want to "belong"!? Or is it the fact that being in
a group actually will increase a certain behavior!? And it
doesn't necessarily have to be violence!?

Want proof!? Try this: It is a known fact that if you place
a quantity of women living together for a few weeks!. They
each start out with different menstrual cycles dates!. However, after a few weeks, they are all menstruating
roughly within a couple of days together!!


its a quality of human and all living things right from the time of adam and eve and the stone age !. If its not than the planet will be best to reside on the galaxy!. But its not !. The virutes of the human always has to get what he does !. And as had been explained in earlier question , the deeds of the human being has to be paid for!. Some one forcibly does something under coercion , shall be revenged by the one who is sufferer now and so on the cycle goes uninterrupted!. Some one does the crime and not noticed now shall definitely be punished as per the system prevails!. Like wind , water, earth , light ,season all are natural the anger is also the infinitive quality of living things and it is natural !. Its not subject to aleter!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

well if your religious!.!. its probably due to the 7 deadly sin syndrome!.!. lust, greed, etc!.!. and if your not so religious like myself!.!. ( which dont mean i mock all religous values people!.!.!.) I honestly feel that it is a jellous nature within all humans!. like a teratorial instinc!. Sort of marking terratories!. and such!. Like shopping for example!. One person gets something and then the next has to have it or better!. it makes people rush!. get violent!. How many people love to shop!. yet you hear them!.!. I hate shopping!.!. why do they go then!.!. its in there nature to hunt!.!. the best way i can put that one!. Just be glad you have a bit more control on the violent urges!. So few have that nowdays!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

People are violent because they are essentially smart predatory animals!. It's purpose is to improve our chances of staying alive and mating!. In the modern world, this is less relevant but we can;t really change it because it's in our genes!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Some people are quietly super violent, your typical world banker that crashes an economy to make money, like what they're doing to us, is just business as usual!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Define "usefull purpose" !?

Carefully measured use of violence can solve many things!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Injustice, anger, money, neglect; entertainment!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

The name is boredom!. An empty mind is always ready for the weeds of "Satan!."Www@QuestionHome@Com

the best fighters used to get the girls when time first began but we just havent grew out of it!Www@QuestionHome@Com

How long have you lived in this world!? The word 'naive' just doesn't do you justice!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

no purpose just the way people areWww@QuestionHome@Com

Basic nature of humans!. End quote!.Www@QuestionHome@Com