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Position:Home>Philosophy> Why can't "the truth will set you free" and "ignorance is bli

Question: Why can't "the truth will set you free" and "ignorance is bliss" get along!?
Or can they!? Are they forever destined to forever be together in a "love/hate" relationship!?
Please explain your answers; I posted this in R&S!. Good answers but some I just didn't get!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Someone drew the conclusion of "bliss" from Plato's Cave!. You see, if the prisoner who returned had not found resistance and disbelief (doubt) in the remaining prisoners, he would not have known how much more blissful he would have been had he not found out how ignorant people could be to the truth!.

Being set free by the truth is how we got to the founding of the United States!. That "freedom" was not a vague thought; it was concretized in law by what the Founders described as "individual sovereignty," but they wrote in the Constitution other words: "unalienable rights!."

"Individual sovereignty" and "unalienable rights" are the same!. That which is sovereign is unalienable!. It's why sovereignty didn't belong to kings; it belonged to the "Citizens of the Several States!."

Now that you are not ignorant of that (or perhaps you were not ignorant of it in the first place!) , isn't it nice to know that ignorance is NOT bliss!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

One may become a slave to the "truth" or, more correctly, his or her idea of what the truth is!. The subjective nature of the same as not being actually true but still acted upon as if it were might do harm to ones self and/or to others which is not acceptable nor correct!.

Ignorance is never bliss, it is simply ignorance or not knowing which seem most often to be caused by ones refusal to see or to know!. This type of personal view has proven disastrous throughout human history where corrupt political and religious rulers, keeping their followers in this supposed blissful state, have used their self chosen ignorance to murder billions (think of Nazi Germany during World War II, Communist China during the purges under Chairman Mao, the Christian Crusades into the Holy Land, Soviet Russia under Stalin, the genocide practiced against the native peoples of North, Central and South America by the invading Europeans, etc!., etc!., etc!.)

To seek the truth take personal effort and a willingness to accept the consequences of finding the same!. Ignorance takes only laziness and the willingness to be led like a lamb (and possibly to the slaughter!)

Be well, be wise and do not harm to others nor to ones self!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

well, because both of them are just sayings, and not actually truths!. I believe that "the truth will set you free" is the one that actually has meaning, while "ignorance is bliss" is never really the case, because although we may be shielded form something bad, ignorance isn't bliss, ignorance is just normal!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

they have nothing to do with each other

'ignorance is bliss' if your living in ignorance but you can't live by this if you become aware of things!.

'the truth will set you free' ive never heard this one before!. this quote would probably apply to !.!.!.after you become aware of things and you're living in hopelessness or misery because of it !.!.!.!.what is this truth that you speak of!? seriously tell!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

From the other hand,

"Word is bond!."


"Ignorance is no excuse!."Www@QuestionHome@Com

The truth is that simplicity is best!.Www@QuestionHome@Com