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Position:Home>Philosophy> In what ways does imagination, reason, and art effect beauty ?

Question: In what ways does imagination, reason, and art effect beauty !?
!.!.!.or the way we perceive beauty !?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
They help Shape it!. Depending on how Imaginative, rational & artisticly Inclined WE are, Beauty will be percieved, defined & described- in a different Way!. And because we Each have different Degrees of each Element in Our Personalitys, NONE of Us are going to see it the SAME way!. THUS; Beauty really IS "in the eye of the Beholder!.!.!." -Because each "Beholder" sees Beauty- through different eyes!.!.!. !.!.!. !.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Our imagination and reason are affected by everything that touches us within our environment, so these them selves are transient!.

Imagination created an expectation of what we feel beauty is, but this in turn might be affected by reason!. For example,l if we reason that beauty means size o because that is what we hear in the media, and maybe accept, our perception of a beautiful woman might be closer to size zero than it was previously!.

What is fashionable, and hence perceived to be beautiful ,in terms of art is also often very transient!. Van Gough sold few paintings and died in misery, but now anything with his name on is upheld as mastery and sells for millions!. In turn this can effect our views of what beauty is ,, Art Deco in the thirties for example!. I guess this cyclic or spiralling effect is what creates fashion trends for example!.

The real beauty of anything, however, is far less transient, and perhaps is only revealed when we have learnt to see ourselves with either imagination or reason!Www@QuestionHome@Com

constant develops in art, reason and imagination constantly modified the concept of beauty!.!.!. I would only give two examples!.!.!. medieval painting was flat and based on plane geometry!.!.!. it simply didn't have any shadows!. the minute they invented shadows and later on multidimensional painting, the concept of beauty in painting could never be the same!.

then think of that omnipresent and omniconscious narrator in the novels before modernism, the one who was used to manipulating his characters the way he liked based on a predetermined scheme as opposed to the narration invented by Marcel Proust, the one centered on the self!. novel has become much more complex since that!.

hmmm, I have so many other examples in my mind, but I think I would write you an entire book!.!.!. very deep question, my dear!Www@QuestionHome@Com

The human mind and the human race is blessed with the ability to dream and to apply itself to accomplishing making those dreams a reality!.

Hence imagination + reason + art will equal beauty or the way we perceive it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

what we call beauty now is a fantasy of our mind!. if we become conscious we will c that every thing is beautiful!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

life immatates art, the real beauty should be found in the heart and soul=Www@QuestionHome@Com

what do you mean, beauty can be in everything!. you dont seperate them, they are always thereWww@QuestionHome@Com

they make it better!.Www@QuestionHome@Com