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Position:Home>Philosophy> My ideas on why America became a world power in less than 100 years?

Question: My ideas on why America became a world power in less than 100 years!?
This is not really a question, it is my opinion on an idea, which I would like some feedback!.

Hardship breeds strength and power!. That is an idea that I have just realized and it has answered many things which are questionable in this world!. For instance, a child who is made fun of constantly will grow up to be less sensitive because he has been forced to become stronger!. I know from personal experience, athletes who practice with those much more skilled than they are will get better faster!. The "hardship breeds strength and power" idea applies to everything!. Plants, animals, and humans are all affected by this idea!. But an indirect revelation of this idea, is America's rise to power!. For many years I have pondered how it was possible for America, a sad struggling group of rebellious farmers and other common folk, were able to defeat the most powerful military on the planet!. After this idea arouse, the answer was simple!. While Britain, though intelligent and born from years of expeWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I agree to a certain extent!. Many other countries face similar hardships but have failed to make anything out of it (the continent of Africa is a great example of many countries who fit that criteria)!. I think it is largely due in part also, to our individualistic nature, as being independent free thinking people!.

With people pushing their own agendas in every different direction, as Americans tend to do, the ones that progress the most gain the most recognizition and praise, and are thus most likely to be adopted by future generations!.

We have essentially used entreprenurial capitalism and free market to recreate 'natural selection' on a grand scale that encompasses millions of people, ideas, and knowledge!.

Another reason is due to war!. War makes one country and breaks the other, and with few exceptions, we have won the wars in which we have fought!. War brought about the nuclear bomb, but also nuclear energy, tanks turned into caterpillar farming tools, and the internet, originally an instrument of war started by the US military is now the staple of the global diet of knowledge and commerce!. War accelerates economies by stressing technological and scientific growth!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Please, America isn't even out of it's infancy when it comes to being a world power!. There have been dozens of nations and societies that rose to power far quicker, served as that power far longer, and influenced later cultures far deeper than America has been around!.

America's got a lot going for it, but It's way to early to declare victory, or even consider ourselves in the same company as many that have passed!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You've nailed the American Way, brother!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I strongly disagree!. It is not what happens to you, but how you perceive what happens to you!. The founding fathers set the stage as they held to their beliefs in the God of the Bible!. All the laws were based on the Bible!. All the concepts and even the way they handled the division of power were set up on the Bible!. The way the courts were set up, was based on the Bible!.
This country is the superpower it is today because it has the right to be with the background of doing everything based on the Bible and wanting to be pleasing to God!.
There are had time in other countries!. There are great resources, great people, great thinkers!. It is only because this country was created for the express purpose of worshiping the God of the Bible that it exists and has become so powerful!. It will only stay that way if we again care more about God than our own selves!.Www@QuestionHome@Com