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Question: What is philosophy in simple term!?
star my question if you wish !.!.!.!. you will have a peace of mind !.!.!.thanks very muchWww@QuestionHome@Com

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yes everything that we see in life makes up the philosophy of lifeWww@QuestionHome@Com

the word is of Greek origin and means "love of knowledge" or "love of wisdom!."

It is generally considered the study of how to live, what things exist, the nature of knowledge, and the structure of reasoning!.

It encomasses religion to a great extent, but do not necessarily require religious belief!.

That is very simple terms for a complex subject indeed!. The thing to keep in mind is whatever structure you use to frame how you observe the world will always restrict you from other frameworks!. So knowing this allows you to recognize limitations of any framework!.

In my opinion, it all comes down to how does the thinking you adopt allow you to take action or stop you from taking action!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The love of knowledge which may be understood as ones personal quest to seek knowledge and comprehension of all aspects of life!.

Most philosophies are incomplete and usually have a few flaws as it is very difficult to discover what is true for things in all situations at all times since truth is relative to the situation and not static!.

A study of philosophy with an attempt to apply the same in such a manner as to do not harm to ones self or to any other and so as to be beneficial to all that employs one ability to critically question and analysis what is often offered as "truth" but seldom is may not give one peace at all times as one may well need to struggle with personal issues,!. struggle so as to put into practice that which one espouses, etc!. however, it beat "blind faith" and being a good little sheep!.

Remember, If one does not reflect on ones life, the cause and effect of events, their consequences, etc so as to glean some understanding and then to put such an understanding into actual practice, it may be questionable as to if that person has actually lived!.

Be well, seek your own answers from within yourself, accepting what you find that works for you based on your personal experience and be beneficial to all others, doing no harm along the way!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

philosophy would mean speculative inquiry concering the source and the nature of human knowledge or it would mean a system of ideas based on such thinkingWww@QuestionHome@Com

Thinking about everything!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


Okay: philo -- love of

sophy -- knowledge!.Www@QuestionHome@Com