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Position:Home>Philosophy> What response would the world give the US if it were to truly become the "p

Question: What response would the world give the US if it were to truly become the "police" of the world!?
lets say that the US was to make it mandatory for everyone to do some form of govnment job be it military service or national security to become a US citizen!. then open our security forces to other countries for a price instead of the US paying for the rebuilding of other nations they would pay us to come to their country and guard important structures, people, and public transportation systems as well as be the people to give immediate aid to anyone hurt in a natural crisis IE earthquakes, floods, tornadoes, hurricanes that sorta thing!. No we wouldn't conquer anything or be incharge we would stop attacks and respond to threats as that country saw fit!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Unfortunately that would be a disaster waiting to happen!.

Someone always wants to knock down the big guy, in short!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The response would be war!.
Remember you're dealing with the human race here not a bunch of rogue nations or poverty stricken populations!. But human beings!.
They will look at the States agenda and it's history and cry "FOUL" and begin to war against the U!.S!. as the track record of those United States shows that: if "uncle Sam" had control then just as sure as fat dogs fart we are going to suffer for the pocket books and wallets of the lobbyist's that control the U!.S!. government!.
It won't work!.
Sorry but the states isn't good enough for the job !.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Given USA personal History, Previous Actions and Inactions on International Emergency Matters-that do not DIRECTLY affect some point of USA Economic Standing!.
The USA's Economic involvement, in matters that have NO direct affiliation with it's National Boundaries, i!.e in other international countries that have no direct or indirect, political/socioeconomic/medical/scientif!.!.!. or religious standing or similarity!.
As far as Natural Environmental calamities are concerned!. Hadn't You Better Look, TO YOUR OWN COUNTRY!. Then try to pick up browny points, elsewhere ! ! !

IF the U!.S!.A-which is nigh on impossible given the population disparity between the USA, Indonesia, India and China- was to take such a position, wouldn't it be a site cheaper, easier and simpler!.
Just to "Stop the World and get off!."Www@QuestionHome@Com