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Position:Home>Philosophy> Criticisms of cartesian dualism?

Question: Criticisms of cartesian dualism!?
im studying philosophy of religion A level and Im looking for some criticisms of cartesian dualism!. I have a few but i want some more!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Duality and the split of the mind/soul and the body with their being connected their by the penal gland!.

The fact that Descartes originally said, "Dubito ergo sum (I doubt therefore I am)" and not "Cogito ergo sum (I think therefore I am)" having made the change for fear of the Catholic Church and what had happen to Bruno (burned at the stake for a similar comment!.!.!.oops)

The mind/soul (Descartes interchanged the words sometimes referring to one and then the other although it is doubtful that he believed in a soul) and body are not separate, a whole, working together!.

Dualism led to such practices as dissecting and thereby destroying other living objects so as to "learn" about them rather than studying them while they are alive and as they live!.

He should have stuck with geometry!.!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com



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