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Position:Home>Philosophy> Will human consciousness ever be able to be downloaded to a computer program?

Question: Will human consciousness ever be able to be downloaded to a computer program!?
Will technology evolve to a level where a person's consciousness could be downloaded, intact, into a computer program!? Then even if your body dies you could continue to "live" in a virtual world!. Will this scenario every come to pass!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
YES!!!with Quantum computer and HAARP !.!.!.!.HAARP already has created a receiver to pick up brain waves/scalar waves because your brain operates at a certain frequency like a computer thereis alpha waves beta waves delta and theta like what are used for a poly graph scan !so if you brain emits waves that can be picked up(i know it sound scary but it is being done by HAARP)it can also be sent waves that can be picked up !.!.!.!.they have already created brain/scaler wave receivers and amplifiers i believe and some people are afraid of a scalar war or the gov!. watching them because it is not a joke anymore but yes down-loadable yes very plausible definitely not impossible at all and probably in sightWww@QuestionHome@Com

It now seems likely human consciousness as it exists in people will not be computerized, but it is quite probable that software can be written that will simulate at least parts of human consciousness!.

Now that I think about it, this has already been done with IBM's program Big Blue, which is now able to defeat the best of the world's chess masters!.

IBM stopped working on this program after it defeated Kasparov, the world's chess master at the time it was written!. After this victory their engineers felt there was no point in refining the program further!.

Harleigh Kyson Jr!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I would say no!.
Artificial intelligence has a long way to go!. It's an illusion when doing tax problems that they are intelligent!. A program is strictly an algorithm and an algorithm cannot analize things like consciousness can!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

ever is a long time but, my inclination is no!.

What if your software is already part of a larger data base!? what if that data base does not require biology to continue!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

God, I hope not!. (Count me out) I'd like nothing to do with virtual reality any more than what I am experiencing today and every other day of my life!. Beam me up, Scotty!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I believe itd be more of your brain being kept alive and you'd be able to respond through a computer!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i dont see why not!. but i dont see that happening for another 2000 years!.!.!.!.!.if the human race lasts that long, of course!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

nobody can poissible answer that question intelligentlyWww@QuestionHome@Com

Maybe it already has and we are in it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

maybe in about 4020AD but not sooner sadleyWww@QuestionHome@Com