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Position:Home>Philosophy> Where was us before our birth?

Question: Where was us before our birth!?
People always wonder where they go after death!. In the opposite, I have this question on my mind: Where was us before our birth!? Use Proof or Evidence or by Logic to prove the above question!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
same place as we'll be after we die - not in existance I assume!. But hey I could be wrong!. Don't think anyne can prove anything, but it seems logical to me that we didn't exist, we were made at conception and after we die, our bodies go into the ground or get cremated, we die!.
Or if you want to consider a longer time scale, we all started as star dust and eventually the "dust" from our bodies will make new stars!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

All of life has cycles of on and off!. Being alive is being in the on position; being dead is the off position!. But then what was off goes on and then repeats over and over again!. So, most likely, after experiencing heaven or hell,you were a disembodied spirit waiting for the universe to get in sync with your karma to go looking for a new body!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

this question depends on what u believe
and belief goes into religion
im not going to go into the whole "you should believe or you're going to hell" speech because really, i don't believe hell even exists

i believe that we all started out in heaven where our spirits were originally conceived

this is my belief because i believe in God
u dont have to believe it though
just believe in what you feel is rightWww@QuestionHome@Com

this might lead you to personal religion more then anything!. i do not think we were more then a creation made by sperm and its equivilant opposite!.!.!.we are what we are!. atoms!. born as a formation and still a formation, slowly growing and changing over time!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Birth means: The time when something begins!. When the birth is the beginning their is not question of where was us before our birth!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

we were split between an egg and a sperm cell!.Www@QuestionHome@Com