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Position:Home>Philosophy> What would life be like without humans?

Question: What would life be like without humans!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The concept of life may not exist as we may be the only creatures (on this planet) intelligent enough to comprehend and understand the abstract idea of life!.
I think, by a mere glitch, humans have developed an amazing ability to have empathy and have quite a large body-to-brain ratio, making us a very intelligent species because of corticalization in the brain!. Our brains have changed us from tribes into civilizations, savages to people, and from being the once hunted to the hunter!. We have great capacity for intelligence, though we have the luxury of being ignorant!. Some species have been eliminated at our hand!. This continues with us taking more and more resources from an already tiring world!.
Existence for animals and wildlife would be much easier with the top predator or threat gone!.
Things would ajust slowly in nature and when all life ceases to exist, there will be no document and no memory of what had existed!.
This was a very good question, I enjoyed answering it =)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Scientifically, humans are just another organism in the existence of this flawed world dubbed as the homo sapiens, created to balance out nature, a simple part of the web (just a strand in it) made to complete the picture!.

Biblically, humans are created to take care and watch over God's creation, to praise and glorify Him!.

A world without humans, is a world of different character where humans are of course absent and nobody knows what reigns supreme!. And life, I think life is less complicated but who knows!? Life of course will exist in a different way, with different interactions and with different stimuli!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I can imagine much silence and an unpolluted earth!. Cleaner air and clearer flowing waters!.
Undeveloped surroundings and way of life of other living creatures, but all in natures being preserved!.
It is a painful truth somehow yet, in reality life is composed mainly for humans!.
As we have the highest form of life!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

There is a really, really great documentary by the Discovery Channel, I think!. It's all about what would happen if people just suddenly disappeared and how plants and animals would take over!. Surprisingly, things happen pretty quickly, weeds and bugs take over almost immediately, and plants just start doing their thing!. Cats and birds survive easier than dogs!. If you can find it, try to watch the show!. It's been on recently and I am sure it will again!. It's really interesting!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

the same !.!.!.probably less chaotic and peaceful we are a very crude uncivilized race only thinking about ourselfs!.!.!.we wont afect the universe anyway! except that will be a part of its past as easy a we were are a part of its present ,once were gone no one will or nothing will know we ever were or was its sad but in this 156 billion light year stretch of universe we arnt even a blip on the radar of time we were created and will leave the universe in a blink of its 14 bill yrs old eyes :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

All i can think about is what the world would have missed, back in the day= ella, billy holiday, doc holiday, Spartacus, nat king cole n elvis, jack and bobby, the good dr!. king who told us his dream= the marx brothers, jolten joe, simon and garfunkel and lets not leave out that bridge over toubled waters we all seem to get through one way or another!. What would the world be like with out humans= what about indian ernie who played centerfield for the 39 dodgers= stories of atlantas= the yellow brick road=janis= Moses, now there was a guy i would have liked to talk to, ya gotta quote him as saying "you have to start somewhere" ol blue eyes= i think in oceans 15 their going to rob each other!. Noah wouldn't have made the ark so it's all pointless to think of only animals left, except for maybe lassie and big brown in the belmont, citation wouldn't have had a jocky in 1948 to win the triple crown, but eddie arcareo was up for that!. I know i left a few billion humans out of this answer, but you all know who they are and it would be a pretty darn lonley planet without um!. I can't even imagine strawberryfields not being heard in the far reaches of the solar system== let alone mickey mouse not around laughing at casper as the roadrunner flys by==the world and everything around it would be missing one heck of a reality show= hold me closer iny dancer " this is no planet for bad spellers" or something like that!.= i can't picture a zebra texting a girrafe asking ,how it looks up there!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Description----without humans!

Ok there --you have your answer!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well if there was only me it would be lonely!. (like Adam before Eve)

If there were absolutely no humans than all you would have was a planet with animals and no one to enjoy them!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

**** you go to hell bastard *** hole u ma ****** *** ,***** ,fool i hope you die and we see what life is like without u ***Www@QuestionHome@Com

stress free, survival of the fittest!. on an ecologically friendly planet!Www@QuestionHome@Com

There would not be life!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

WHO KNOWSWww@QuestionHome@Com

wow,I dont know lolWww@QuestionHome@Com

a jungle !Www@QuestionHome@Com

who's life!?Www@QuestionHome@Com