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Position:Home>Philosophy> Have you ever suspected that life is a dream and our mind's have just grown

Question: Have you ever suspected that life is a dream and our mind's have just grown to manipulate the dream!?
You know how when you're dreaming, how you don't really feel and you don't see clearly !.!. Just basically uncontrollable images playing in your mind!. Well, then why can't life itself be a 'dream!?' that we have been in for so long that we have unconsciously learned to manipulate what we see and feel!? Think about if we were stuck in a dream [as we know it] for eternity!. Maybe our consciousness is eternal!. Time doesn't physically exist, so who is to compare our time of being to the Universe's!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The objects of cognition in your dream are called "cognoscendum!."

But where did the subject of the cognoscendum, i!.e!., your consiousness, come from!? It comes from a living entity, an existent of empirical existence!.

Since your consciousness is a quality of an existent (you), then you must exist!. If you exist, why do the cognoscendi of your cognition NOT exist!? Are you the only existent in existence!? Wow, that's egotistical!.

But it isn't egotistical enough to make you understand that you cannot be the only existent in existence, or you would drop the pretext of pretending you do everything in your sleep!.

Oh!. No you would not drop the pretext because that is what egotism is all about!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Whoever told you that "time doesn't physically exist" clearly knows slightly less than nothing about Special Relativity, General Relativity, quantum mechanics, and modern science in general!.

Then there is the small matter of the effects of time as perceived by us!. And the predictions our scientific theories allow us to make about the passage of time and the effect it will have!. And the fact that we actually -observe- those effects!.

As for life being a dream!.!.!.!.!. Maybe!. After all, all we can ever -really- know is what we perceive (that is, what creates a unique 'weltanschaung' within the perceptive sphere of our consciousness)!.

Maybe it is all a dream!. But I'm certainly enjoying it ?


In Hindu philosophy one of unfamiliar / infamous is Maya / mayai is related your subject of interest based on the ever changing phenomenas of the universal existence!. If you realized the Truth (God) it is not at all correct and one can reach the eternal world on completion of our living in this world!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

In some cultures, it is a dream! A dream that you have as soon as your conscineness wakes up in a body, until the day it leaves that body!. Cause that dream never really remains like all dreams we "normally" dream!. It is what you do in the dream, that either turns them into nightmares or pleasant days!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Interesting gestalten there!. I believe the ancient Greeks called this the archetypical world of shadows and dreams and that the dreams were real and the reality was created by our minds!.

Sounds like a Matrix like theory!.

May I suggest looking at the theories of Jung and Plato!? Hegel perhaps!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes,I have thought about that sometimes!.once,when i woke up,inmy dream i had seen myself sleeping and waking up and then i actually woke up!.i thought that was strange!. i still think that maybe someday i will wake up and be 2 years old!.Www@QuestionHome@Com