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Position:Home>Philosophy> Answer about this quote.?

Question: Answer about this quote!.!?
"To think of one's existance is doing more than merely thinking of one's existance!. It is creating it's own!."

What do you think of this!? Give me your feedback!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
My thoughts!.!.!.!.

When you start looking into or at your existence its much like meditating and trying to find out more about yourself to look at who you really are!. In my search to find who I really am I find that my life has changed along with my journey the more I try to discover and learn about my soul and the real me the more I change to not only myself but to those around me!. There for I create my own existence or Spirit!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think of thinking like the software on a computer or the data that is in the program that is on the hardware!. Does this make the computer exist!? Hardly!. it doesn't even dictate what the computer is capable of and in many cases hinders the computers if the software is beyond the capabilities of the hardware!.

Thinking really is only the mind reacting to external stimulus!. This means that everything that comes into our mind comes in from what we read, what we hear or see etc!. We don't think a thought that has no bearing on reality, even our imagination has some basis in reality (which makes it particularly dangerous)!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

There are two schools:

create your own reality vs!. create yourself to MEET reality!.

When you decide to remake reality, it does work, but it has a "selling your soul" quality of feeding your complex motives (read as bad,) and eliminating your simple motives (read as good,) and warping you into something that has no soul (read sense of self!.)

When you change you to MEET reality, life becomes exactly what you want AND you have mastered yourself!.

It is an inside job!. Stop messing with the window treatments!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think this quote is explaining how our everyday tasks, getting dressed, brushing our teeth, school/work, going from here to there, its all meaningless without a higher purpose!. And if you can look above all those things and look at the big picture, you create a bigger, better meaning for your life!. You will learn to make decisions not based on what is going to be important to you in the next 5 minutes, but the next 30 years or more!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

(how thick is your skin!? can you accept criticism!?)

It's nonsense!.

Too long, not clever, not meaningful in either context or subtext!. It's simply a demonstration of the love of the word existence, and trying to be profound so badly!.!.!. in a "To Be or Not to Be" sort of way, but again without an ounce of substance!. It's the stuff of bad 80's Rock ballads!. It doesn't say, what you THINK it says!.!. and then, of course, you've spelled "existence" wrong more than once -- so, you need to research your subject matter a little more!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Your question is GREAT!?! I think about why I am here all the time!?! I think my mind is telling me!?! If I told anyone what my mind, eternal self!.!.!.soul, was tell me why I was here!? They would lock me in a loony!?! Anyway!? I love your question!?!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Not bad!. Makes you think!. Existing is creating!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It's a good quote!. It puts the mind and thoughts in the context of ones whole self!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I mostly agree!. If I didn't exist than nothing would!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Are you stoned again!? If you are chew on this one, what if dogs are really cats and mice don't exist!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Go Rangers!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

it really makes me think about life!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I guess we are what we think!.Www@QuestionHome@Com