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Position:Home>Philosophy> I really do think ignorance is bliss. Is there anyway to remove my consciousness

Question: I really do think ignorance is bliss!. Is there anyway to remove my consciousness!?
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Well ignorance really IS bliss!. I have known people who have lost their jobs, lost custody of their children, gone through all sorts of things that would normally devastate most of us, but if they are ignorant people, they can't comprehend the serious effects of what is happening around them!. They may walk around with a big smile on their face saying hi to everyone even though their kids got taken away, their dog got shot & their car got repossessed!. Their wife leaves them, they get kicked out of their home!. Still!.!.!.!.!.!.no clue!. But would you really want to be one of those people!? I think it's best to have your conscience!. If you're having some sort of difficulties why don't you describe them & maybe some of us can give advise :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Join the Republican Party! I'm certain that every nomination delegate agrees to a quick and easy lobotomy that assures utter loyalty despite every rational evidence to the contrary!. No thought is required or necessary thereon, all orders are obeyed without question- newcomers who recently served in the military won't notice any difference!.
If ignorance is bliss, apathetic folks are the happiest of all!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I can think of a number of ways!. If you are American, you wont have any problem getting hold of one way!. Something, of any Calibre would do!.
If you know anything about Ropework, a 'Hangman's Noose' is reasonably easy to tie!. Then, all you'll need is a good drop!.
You can always, take the 'Meak and Mild' way and there are plenty of, so called, medicines!. Out there that'll do the job quickly, easily and painlessly!. Some send, you off to sleep and you never wake up!.
They are the easy ways, of removing your 'CONSCIOUSNESS'!.
It's called simply, SUICIDE and that is what you are!. Very, VERY simple to even consider it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

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i don't think contentment comes from ignorance though as said above some people are relatively happy in any situation!. she calls this ignorance, I would disagree!. There are standards and much of the world has suffered worse than me at least, i'd like to think they can be happy and sometimes they are, it's the little things that count!. And hey once you stop caring there's nothing to stop you from taking from the world!. You can walk into any job knowing you're already not getting hired but what else do you have where else are you going, you might as well throw on a suit and go to an audition, walk in with zero qaulifications and say make me CEO now! Won't always work but you might be surprised!. People often mistake my belligerance for confidence!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

no ignorance is not bliss it affects everyone around u who is wide awake! u are wide awake u just dont know ! the only time in your life u are ignorant is when you are born u are born ignorant besides that fact everyone learns its just your self perception needs to change it has nothing to do with being ignorant your fine and wide awake u just are another problem and remian in this frame of mind find out what it is and seek your answer u might be lying to yourself about something when u know its not right ,ignorant is refusing to know something because u are scared with the end results in terms it is fear of witch means the word ignorant doesnt exist ignorance is a throwing stone word for fear awake and grab the bull by the horns and tackle that ***** to the ground then tell it to get up because your gonna do it agian!!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Where ignorance is bliss it is folly to be wise!.!.!.!.!.!.!.
Where wisdom is bliss it is folly to be anything but' wise

Just go back to sleep and become a mechanical zombie like the majority, you will soon find that it is better to be awake and conscious, far less 'accidents'Www@QuestionHome@Com

That depends on if you mean "temporarily" and/or "safely"!.

Probably the most effective and safe way to do that temporarily would be to take up long distance running!. You've probably heard about "endorphins" and "getting into the zone", that's what you can do!.

Or start listening to Rap, but that's probably permanent!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

hey nr!.!.!.!.!. theres nothing blissful in ignorance!.!.!.!.!.ignorance from any instance that would present itself within your life would not allow you to learn or formulate an opinion of the experience or information that you would want to avoid!.!.!.!.!.!. you can't remove that which you don't own!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!. good luck!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Ignorance is not bliss, but the ignorant are unaware of that!. Wisdom is a better goal, a harder one I admit, but a worthy one!. It is only through our awakening consciousness that we find true bliss, and not a fake one like ignorance is!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I agree with you that ignorance is bliss!. Why!? Because the library is a house of pain!. Then, regarding your consciousness, I am sorry but total removal, only through death!. Partially, it's possible only with Alzheimer's disease!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Strictly speaking, the alternative to ignorance is wisdom!. But, to answer your question, yes, there are all sorts of ways to remove your consciousness!. Drugs, booze, work, sex, are just a few and you can come up with more, I'm sure!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes!. You can remove your consciousness by killing yourself!. Considering the trade off (bliss for consciousness) I don't understand why anybody would want bliss!.
There are greater meanings of life than mere happiness!. As if our sufferings and pleasures matter!Www@QuestionHome@Com

You can't worry about about that which you know nothing about!

Ignorance is blissWww@QuestionHome@Com

Ignorance is bliss only if you have half the truth!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

you sound sad!.!.!. do you want permanent removal!? if so, perhaps you already know the answer!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

" Yeh send me twenty quid "Www@QuestionHome@Com